Reach Mallorca organised eight days of public evangelistic events on the beach. Although some people have complaint, “we are grateful to the city and want to contribute”, says director Gernot Elsner.
4 reasons why projects like the new luxurious temple built by the Mormons in Haiti are unhelpful.
I can tell you that people whose presence I once resented have become good friends. That is what the gospel does!
In the weekly prayer initiative ‘Revive Europe’, students identify the deep issues in their own society and share specific prayer requests. More than 25 countries have been prayed for since February.
The dynamics of global collaboration among Christians are changing. Not only Skype, Whatsapp and Zoom are used frequently, but also smaller, more specific tools are of great use in specific mission contexts.
The centre of gravity of Christianity has shifted from Europe to Africa, says Nana Yaw Offei Awuku, Director of the Lausanne Younger Leaders Generation initiative.
The First Baptist Church of Alicante, along with local authorities, organised the project “Young People and Human Rights”. “We thank God for the opportunity of giving testimony to the city”.
A nominal Christian at that stage of his life, Irwin experienced an unexpected spiritual encounter on the moon that changed his life forever.
Nola Leach, Chief Executive of CARE UK, talks about why is it important for Christians to engage in the public square.
The British organisation is now “open to men and women who love the Word of God”, and it has broken away from Gideons International, which remains a men's only organisation.
Students, graduates and staff of the global evangelical student movement reflected together on how the books of Luke and Acts apply to today's universities.
A short video summary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) World Assembly, July 3-10.
Photos of the Lausanne Movement Global Workplace Forum, celebrated in Manila.
Almost 900 people from 110 countries attended the Global Workplace Forum. The Lausanne Movement dreams about a “great movement of God through believers in their workplace”.
Thousands of New Testaments will be distributed this summer by volunteers at the border ports in Southern Spain.
Kingdom values have helped bring radical transformation in society precisely when Christians understood their calling to be salt and light in the public square.
The Christian Democrat has lead three German government ministries: Family, Health and Defense. Of a Protestant family, she was born in Belgium and has 7 children.
Irina Volodrska (Jews For Jesus, Ukraine) and Elia Daoud (Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe) speak about how they share the gospel with their own people.
850 from 108 countries met for the Global Workplace Forum, June 25-29. The gathering was organised by the Lausanne Movement. “Every workplace is a place of ministry”.
So-called haugeans established churches in the New world as more and more Norwegians chose to cross the Atlantic throughout the 19th and 20th century.
Christians in these rural areas often find themselves in the middle of two armed groups fighting each other for territory and for corridors through which to traffic their illicit goods.
Participants from Europe, United States, Australia and Latin America attended the fourth edition of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network. It “equips evangelical leaders to understand Roman Catholic theology and practice”.
Adrian Petrice, coordinator of IFES Graduate Impact, talks about the challenges for university graduates who start their work life. “Pray that they will give reason for the hope they have in Jesus”.
French Christians got together to pray, give Bibles, and share the gospel. “It is a privilege to freely testify publicly about our faith”, organisers said.
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