Both the European Commission and the Parliament are addressing the problem of hate crimes. But without a clear definition of what “hate” is, we will not solve the problem, writes Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels.
President Macron, who urged to make the changes “as soon as possible”, seeks to present France as a champion of women rights worldwide.
A report by a Nigerian organisation shows that over 8,000 people were killed in the country in 2023 because of their Christian faith.
A house in the Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca hosts patients with long cancer treatments and their families. “God has done so many miracles for us”, says its director.
The idea of spending a lifetime with the same person is increasingly surprising when it comes to marriage. The surprise, however, cannot hide our longings.
“Jesus Christ teaches us not to kill and he followed this also”, said a Baptist sentenced with two-year jail term for refusing military service.
The eroticisation of girls is clearly the root of countless negative consequences for society and for women. I outline seven of them.
In the House of Lords, the bill is criticised as an attack on freedom of speech, religious freedom and parenting. “It would make illegal expressing some of the profoundest beliefs”.
The drought affects 34.5% of the Spanish territory. Christian geographer Michael Wickham analyses the water crisis that hits the Mediterranean region of Europe.
God does not call people to become heroes and gain glory. He calls us to exalt Him.
A review of Poor Things, film by Yorgos Lanthimos.
House of David followes the fall of Saul and the rise of David in a story about love, politics and war, the producers say.
The sun appears to be setting on the dating app era and culture is on a mission to re-codify love, but what will we find in the aftermath?
“From court rulings and testimonies of women victims of violence, we know that vixen is a term used by abusers to describe women”, says Asun Quintana, from the evangelical feminist group Seneca Falls, in Madrid.
Most took place at Islamic environments by members of the own family. “It is the most despicable expression of gender-based violence”, says the minister of Justice.
Blocher dissects the internal structure of Catholic ecclesiology and tries to grasp the connections that legitimize Rome’s high view of itself and its inflated prerogatives.
Christianity appeared attractive in the eyes of many pagan women – regardless of social class. A large number of ‘secondary’ conversions took place, as the husbands of converted women often chose the same path as their wives.
The European Parliament elections are a strategic opportunity to launch new political parties. In countries like Spain, some dream of having a first-ever evangelical representative in Brussels.
Are we aware that employees and employers are not enemies, but work together to achieve the common good?
The Spanish government hopes to reduce the working week to 37.5 hours. But work is not the enemy, it is the conditions that do not allow for healthy growth and service, Christians say.
The city council in southern Spain launches a comprehensive municipal maternity and life support programme.
Olga is a survivor. The first time she escaped death was before she was even born. She was a Chernobyl baby, later a war refugee.
Though it is strictly forbidden to evangelize in Somalia, barriers to the gospel are being torn down little by little.
In eight years, the church attendance of men aged 15 to 29 more than doubled. Researchers see no parallels in women or in other Nordic countries.
Gabriel Attal is 34 years old, openly gay and raised as an Orthodox Christian.
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