The organisation will release an update of the manual for health managers which states that “sex is not limited to male or female”.
A survey shows that among millennials and Generation Z, girls are more likely than boys to reject any religious approach.
The severe political and economic crisis hinders the living conditions of most of the population. “Churches are involved in providing relief”, says an evangelical leader.
Only two in ten people are fully vaccinated in Africa. Evangelical leaders speak of challenges in the vaccination campaign and the situation of Christians.
Let us seize the occasion of the elections not to feed evangelical indifference, but to prepare ourselves to be spiritually alert and culturally equipped.
We have all the things and more in Christ, but we live like wretched beggars.
The Bible says God used a thorny bush which burned without being burnt up to manifest himself to Moses, as no human being could look at the Almighty directly.
A church in southern Spain was awarded an Honourable Mention by the City Council. “The Lord blessed us today to continue blessing others”, they said.
The last time I preached the whole Bible in a single message, what text proved pivotal? It came from Leviticus.
Archaeologists of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found 1,600-year-old mosaics with the images of Deborah and Jael in an ancient synagogue in Israel.
The United Bible Societies reported that there has been an increase of 5.5%.although distribution challenges “are still high”, due to the pandemic.
Its fruit is green and about the size of an apple, and it is pleasant to look at, but when it is ripe it bursts, scattering its feather-like seeds which are then carried by the wind.
Every Psalm points to God’s character, which is an excellent focus for your heart.
London-based Yendy Skin began with a mission to bridge the gap between small-scale female farmers and the beauty market.
Rethinking Christian witness in a BJP-run nation. An article by Cynthia Stephen.
The organisation is flexing its muscles after the Madrid summit and announces the expansion of its borders and greater militarisation. Voices from the Evangelical and Protestant spheres analyse the new scenario.
Operation Transit returns this summer to deliver thousands of Bibles and Christian materials to people crossing the borders to North Africa.
A majority of parliamentarians in Strasbourg passes a non-binding resolution that “strongly” condemns the Supreme Court decision of the United States.
Is it possible to change the tone of the debate? Is it possible to speak up on abortion in a way that will increase support for both the woman and baby?
We can glibly confess that He is Lord of all, but do we really believe it? Can we see God’s hand of common grace at work in the public spheres, outside church circles?
Pro-life groups in Europe follow with attention the situation in the US after the decision that reversed “Roe v Wade”. Small organisations network to support women holistically.
Although much of the focus was on preparations for the fourth Lausanne congress (Seoul 2024), participants were constantly challenged to think towards 2050 and beyond.
Intercultural discipleship is achieved when we shift from accommodation to involvement, tolerance to empathy, and co-existence to commonness. An article by Sherman Lau.
A local Baptist pastor: “We support families with supermarket cards, food, rental subsides and fuel vouchers”. Rebuilding roads in the island is a priority as 500 people continue to stay in hotels.
Whichever approach you take, be sure to keep diving in, looking to know Jesus more and growing in your appreciation of God’s heart towards you.
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