The modern-day relevance of Wilde’s book could not be any clearer: a new hedonism, the cult of eternal youth, when in reality it is just the vanity of fleeting beauty.
An anonymous translator reworked the King James Version of the bible using Unicode emoji, as well as common internet abbreviations and slang.
Mangalwadi’s book ranges effortlessly though history, politics, economics, theology, sociology, and philosophy. His conclusion is cultures that are rooted in the Bible, provide the best environment for human flourishing.
The 1569 Bible translation “is an unknown masterpiece”, Spanish academic Antonio Muñoz Molina says in an interview at the public television.
According to the American Library Association its appearance on the 'black list' is due to “its religious viewpoint.”
Rather than being a book against Islam, Michel Houellebecq’s “Submission” shines a light on the moral agony of Western cultural decline.
Hefner built an empire on the basis of an alternative version of reality, creating what you might call a religion.
Studying nature cannot be left to scientists alone. What is required for wisdom is not only the detached rational enquiry of science but also the immersed, meditative contemplation of artists and poets.
“We not only don’t seek God, we don’t seek anything”, said Álvaro Pombo in relation to his book Quédate con nosotros, Señor, porque atardece (Stay with us, Lord, for it is nearly evening).
The Bible? Boooks with a Christian theme? A novel? Good books about general themes? Just newspapers or magazines? Nothing at all? Vote in our poll.
Alice in Wonderland, which is turning 150, shows how children’s literature can raise some of the fundamental questions regarding our existence.
Frankenstein is one of the strongest warnings against the horror of trying to play God.
After searching and struggling throughout his life, Eliot finally surrendered to the “peace that surpasses all understanding”. In 1926 he converted to Christianity.
"Cervantes was a spiritual man, a believer, he read and assimilate the Bible deeply”, the writer and international speaker Juan Antonio Monroy says.
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