Mette Frederiksen is set to be the country's youngest ever Prime Minister. Centre-right party leader, Lars Rasmussen, has resigned.
Methodist Evangelicals Together responded by calling for the biblical definition of marriage to be maintained. The report will be presented at the Methodist Conference in June.
A survey among members of the EKD mainline church confirms the advance of theological liberalism.
The warning is clear - if you really must have a faith, keep it private. But there is no such thing as private faith.
In a conference, the global Anglican movement supported “brothers and sisters living in restricted situations seeking to remain faithful to Christ”.
Christ's view of sexuality was the same as that of the Old Testament.
Conservative delegates from the Global South helped stop the US-majority push to approve gay marriage. Liberal churches expected to leave the denomination.
Key Anglican leaders in the UK call for a “better relationship” with the global evangelical movement Gafcon.
Four ideologies can become an intolerant and dangerous idol: secularisation, left-wing populism, nationalism and liberal values dogmatism.
The narrative is straightforward. They are the victims. They have been damaged by ‘conservative theology’ and they are going to change us evangelicals so that we accept their position.
The danger of ecumenical Trojan horses.
The moves could see the Confession being removed, replaced or changed in as little as 5 years - a significant development for the minority group of evangelicals who remain in Scotland’s national Kirk.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
The group left the Episcopal Church Brazil because of its “revisionist theology” and has been welcomed into the global conservative movement Gafcon.
Francis’ masterpiece turns fifty-years old.
Pew Research report shows that 84% of US Catholics have a positive view of the pope, but a growing share of them believe he is ‘too liberal’ and ‘naïve’.
Former leader of the Liberal Party Tim Farron speaks about his experiences as an evangelical Christian in politics. “In the United States, you have to invent a faith to be taken seriously, in the UK you have to pretend you haven’t got one”.
Only 2 of every 10 churches registered to marry gay couples have actually officiated at least one of such weddings in England and Wales in the last four years.
The leadership of the Protestant Church of Sweden will use “inclusive” language in worship services. Terms like “Father” and “Lord” can now be avoided.
In Europe, Christians tend to use one term or another dependening on the cultural background of their country. How would you describe yourself? Vote.
Steve Chalke and Jayne Ozanne among the signatories of the “Christians United” statement promoting LGBT+ inclusion in churches.
So far, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have been talking about unity among “born again” believers. If they commit to “greater oneness” with the Roman Catholic Church and WCC, they need to reflect on what they become committed to.
Tim Farron had been constantly questioned for his Christian view of homosexuality. “A wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.”
A clause will protect ministers with a traditional biblical view of marriage. Gafcon reacts by appointing a “missionary bishop” for the UK.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is the only Nordic national church which doesn’t celebrate same-sex marriages. The Church Synod of the church discussed intensively about it in May.
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