This section aims to suggest areas in which we may ask questions about the life of a biographical subject, and some mistakes to avoid in the study of lives. By Jacob Dunn.
In times of struggle, we can look to the lives of those who have gone before us and take courage from the fact that their experiences can mirror our own. By Jacob Dunn.
Does our preaching feel stilted? Do we sound slightly wooden, hesitant?
European Muslims seem to create a balance between loyalty to the global ummah and loyalty to the local state. Many seek to harmonize a Salafist claim of the true Islam with the cultural and religious pluralism of the societies they live in.
The library has been established by the Bible Society Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. “We hope it will be a symbol of Christian unity and learning”, they say.
Many children with additional needs can struggle with unpredictability and uncertainty, so try to keep a rhythm each day that they can get used to.
Children mattered to Jesus, and He taught us a lot through the things He did with them.
Learn from the past, avoid its mistakes, and learn to trust more in God.
Leave the youth group on a Sunday and start going to ‘adult’ church services can be hard for any child, but having additional needs can often make it more difficult.
A bit of ‘hygge’ might come in handy for us all… especially for parents of children with special or additional needs.
A quarter of the Bibles distributed were in a digital format. Most downloaded scriptures were in Spanish and Portuguese.
We are just like candles, shining a light on a part of the world that the world often chooses to ignore.
“This conference is an impressive example of how the church has been adapting during the pandemic”, a participant says. 25 Networks, 101 workshops, plenaries and mentoring were available online.
Some of these characters, and their stories, can be helpful in raising awareness and in some cases acceptance of additional needs and disability.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
When we do a Lego activity where 3 people have to work together to make something, by each fulfilling their allotted role, we can discuss how the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a relationship.
The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading suffering around the world – but it can also teach precious lessons to individuals, churches, and nations.
As evangelicals in Europe, we need intentionally to integrate media engagement in our discipleship and mission strategies and practices.
Although the connections have improved very much, not everybody has the minimum necessary resources or tools: an updated computer, a scanner or printer, a good internet connection.
Telling the story in different sensory ways will help the story to become more accessible to children and young people.
“There have been many, many times, particularly soon after ‘D’ was diagnosed, when I’d love to have just been able to run away from it all” . 12 testimonies.
Perhaps looking at it in this way helps us to understand both stories better, and to appreciate more fully the experiences, challenges and struggles of families that we know today.
We all long to be liked, to have friends, to be included and to belong.
Understand me: “If you tell me to sit up straight, now I have to use all of my brain to do just that.”
These words count for everyone.
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