In this first edition after the Covid-19 pandemic, efforts were made to encourage young women.
Problems in our politics are not resolved by us stepping away from the fray. You don’t fix a problem by being a spectator.
Christian leaders lament “the degradation of truth in our public discourse” and the “arrogance” seen in the last weeks. They pray for a new leader with “integrity, wisdom, honesty and competence”.
Christian parliamentarians say existing laws already protect citizens from harassment. “It would be a threat to freedom of speech, assembly and religion”.
The problem of modern slavery was made visible in Bournemouth, Stuttgart, Valencia, Bern, Innsbruck, Sofia, Copenhagen, and dozens of other cities.
Art can help us unwrap the riches of Scripture. Our world was created by the greatest of Artists, after all.
At the triennial conference held in Sarajevo, the annual Hope Award was presented to Jeff Fountain.
There are 12,500 care homes in the UK and 50,000 churches who can make a difference for elderly residents.
The 4th Spanish Bioethics Conference will give a Christian perspective on creation care, life and death, and AI. “Bioethics is not primarily a theoretical issue to be considered at a university classroom, but a practical reality in everyday life”.
The WEA organised an event to prepare the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) 2022, which will take place on November 6 and 13.
Families with children with additional needs have already seen services delayed, reduced or closed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The current economic climate is only going to continue this downward spiral.
According to the national census, over 45% of Northern Irish people identify with the Catholic faith, while 43.5% identify with one of the branches of Protestantism.
The highlights of the memorial service at Westminster Abbey were the readings of the Bible, the hymns sung by the choir, and the Christ-centered message of Archbishop Justin Welby.
A report shows that forced labour and forced marriage have risen significantly in the last five years, specially among women and children.
How is it that someone who had lived a life of privilege, very remote from ordinary people, could inspire such affection?
Eastern countries have the highest rates in Europe. Pioneer plans to prevent suicide are started in countries like Spain, where the incidence has been growing among young women.
This year the theme of the march was '10 million too many', a reference to the number of abortions carried out in the UK since the approval of the Abortion Act in 1967.
The longest-serving monarch of the UK dies at the age of 96. “Jesus’ teachings have been the bedrock of my faith”, she said recently.
Germany, Switzerland, and Austria will host the musical. The project with a large choir promoted by “Creative Church” wants to show what was behind Luther King’s famous “I have a dream”.
Many churches have begun by opening a hub for Ukrainian refugees, serving as a community space for Ukrainians and hosts in their local area.
How does the biblical Christian worldview actually fit into the complex area of labour relations between employers and workers? A trade unionist, a business owner, and a theology of work expert respond.
Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance: “Leadership is always hard, it’s difficult to imagine a more challenging set of circumstances”. Anglican Justin Welby: “May God guide her”.
There have been around 8,750 crossings in August alone. The situation worsened since Home Secretary announced plans to deport migrants to Rwanda.
On the night of the 23rd of August in 1791, men and women, victims of the slave trade from Africa, revolted against the slave system in Saint-Domingue, modern day Haiti.
Anglo Recycling is a textiles recycling business that sees value in providing dignified employment, developing responsibly made products and investing in the community.
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