We all struggle over how to channel or not channel information that comes our way. The journalist’s job adds yet another layer of complexity.
The emphasis on reconciliation, faith in the workplace, and the next generation offers a model for how the Ukrainian church can address its own context.
How does one make an effective Christian presence in the midst of a Europe that, more than asleep to the Gospel, seems comatose or almost dead?
As the church in Germany and in the West in general struggles with secularisation and decline, Lausanne reminded me: the Church is alive and vibrant.
God's intra-Trinitarian love overflowed for us, at the creation of all things, for our salvation, and to accompany the Church in its efforts to bear witness.
The Church in our region is steadily declining, and the age distribution of its members gives little hope of growth. What do we need to change without losing the gospel?
More than 450 authors and almost 30,000 contents published since the website was launched in January 2015. “The journey we have made reinforces the idea that approaching current affairs from a Christian perspective is not only relevant but necessary”.
He specialised in reporting about conflicts in underreported regions and did many in-depth interviews. As of 1 January 2025, Soriano begins as a pastor in a church near Barcelona.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
Christians in Africa are largely still working out what it means to be a Christian and an African at the same time.
The Balkan Christians must navigate the complex dynamics of nationalism while preserving the Gospel's inclusive and transforming message.
What can evangelical voices offer to supplement or correct what ordinary Ukrainians think about their national identity? What special contribution can they make?
Nationalism’s seductive power still today, lies in its ability to offer a primal narrative of unity and identity as well as an operative sense place.
How can or should churches respond to the upsurge of nationalism in general, and in particular the way in which it plays a key-role in populist movements?
So much has changed since the last European Parliament election in 2019, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the influence of nationalism. If anything, it is a bigger issue in 2024 than it was in 2019 or back in 2010.
Once you start to journal your blessings it becomes not only easier to spot them, but easier to get into the practice of thanking God for them.
Director Joel Forster recounts the ins and outs of the past nine years in an episode of the Lausanne Movement’s “God on the Move” podcast.
In the last twelve months, over 400,000 users visited Evangelical Focus. See what countries in Europe and globally visited us most.
“Polycentric mission leadership is a collaborative, communal leadership empowering multiple centers of influence and a diverse array of leaders to meet today's challenges“.
Europe is polycentric, not only on the cultural but also on the spiritual and religious level.
Let’s continue to examine our desires to do mission, explore other ways people use to serve, listen more to each other and enjoy the mission together.
Its daily contents and the contribution of hundreds of authors since 2003, make it the largest evangelical news website in Spain. The celebration gathered friends and supporters.
Mission will be polycentric when the power structures shift and African, Asian, and Latin American Christians can participate in their own ways, with their own resources.
The official report includes a guide with the most common mistakes and proposals to avoid them.
Despite the significant evangelical growth that Spain has experienced in recent decades, a large part of society continues to ignore Protestants. Two decades later, our vision for this journalistic project remains the same.
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