The upper house rejects the text for a third time: "It will not strengthen the effectiveness of the right to abortion".
“The ‘loverboy’ method is used to manipulate future victims”, says Anca Luhas. She works in Romania with eLiberare to raise awareness among young people and train frontline workers in detecting sex trafficking situations.
This Mexican activist turned politician has fought sex trafficking in Mexico for almost 20 years. “The known as black brothels are strategic points to take over a city”, she says.
There is “extreme persecution” in 10 countries in Africa and the Middle East, says Open Doors. Elsewhere, worrying trends are observed in key geopolitical actors such as India, Saudi Arabia and China.
The Federation of Evangelical Religious Entities of Spain analyses the challenges and achievements of evangelical churches in 2022.
In 2 reports submitted to the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Protestant Evangelical Committee for Human Dignity asks to abolish surrogacy and ban minors’ access to pornography.
Ukrainian villagers were glad to get food but also prepared to stand in the snow and cold wind to listen to the team share the gospel.
Evangelical churches in Russia have been praying for peace and ministering to those in need right now for 6 months in Ukrainian cities. By Pavel Kolesnikov.
Local authorities accused the Christian leaders of “tricking new members and disuniting the Bulgarian nation”. The religious freedom of the pastors was violated with “pejorative and hostile language”, says the European Union Human Rights court.
After 3 years of doubts, the European Commission finally elects a new Special Envoy for the Promotion of Freedom of Religion or Belief.
Highlights are the fight against human trafficking and the efforts to integrate victims in the labour market. Spain is among the European countries with highest levels of prostitution.
Any person with Down's syndrome has the right to laugh, to cry, to feel love and suffer heartbreak, to enjoy sunsets, to work, to serve others. God, forgive us for being so selfish, cruel and hypocritical.
“Abortion has become a dogma for the parliamentary majority”, laments Franck Meyer of the Evangelical Protestant Committee for Human Dignity. The Senate could slow down the process.
Not everyone is able to worship with the same freedom in the country hosting the 2022 football World Cup. Open Doors UK and Ireland asked believers in Doha.
Charles Malik helped shape the post-war international order based on respect for human rights. His Christian faith guided his global stateman’s career.
Experts, activists and NGO representatives from across Europe gathered for the first time in 3 years for European Freedom Network’s in-person conference in October.
The organisation asks authorities “to allow any religious organization to operate peacefully, free from monitoring and interference”.
Over 170 people participated in the European Conference of Brethren Assemblies under the theme Passion for the Kingdom.
Other 20 Iranians could face death sentences soon. Around 320 have died in clashes with the Iranian security. Christians support the prostests.
Professor John Wyatt gives a perspective on key bioethical issues of our time.
After 36 years of pastoring churches in Turkey, Carlos Madrigal was labelled a threat to national order and is no longer allowed to enter the country. He and his wife Rosa share lessons to be learned about Christian work in non-Western countries.
As winter looms, churches in Ukraine work to get help for the most vulnerable in a context of hiking prices.
“This battle is not over. It is just beginning”, pro-abortion parliamentarians say. Two new resolutions will be brought to vote in November.
A Christian broadcaster in the Middle East is giving embattled Iranian women a voice after government officials shut down the nation’s internet amid mass protests that have turned deadly.
For evangelicals in Western Europe, the most tangible problem is not one of freedom, but rather of public participation.
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