A newspaper report accuses an evangelical entity of harassing women when they go to abortion clinics. They deny it: “We respect people and if they don't want to talk, we don't insist”.
Most European Christians have lived through the secularisation process and so they have been conditioned to see it as normal.
A local Christian businessman offered his fleet of large vehicles to distribute aid and transport people around the clock truly becoming the feet of our undertaking to be God’s caring hands to hurting people.
On many occasions we are more concerned that others should be admiring us, than helping others to win.
The Italian politician’s worldview precludes the teachings of the good Samaritan, despising it as naïve do-goodism.
The team of medical doctors were taking part in a humanitarian trip with the NGO MedFund. “Pray for every family member and survivor”.
Evangelical local churches in the Mati area “help with cleaning and rebuilding”. “Pray that their actions talk about the love of Christ, and many could know Him”.
The YWAM and Operation Blessing project aims “to be a refuge” for the thousands that cross the border everyday “to find spiritual food and help in anything they need”.
A church in Lugo welcomes families of refugees from Latin America who arrive in the city. “A space of security where the Christian community can be open and inclusive”.
“An estimated 35,000 cross the border daily; half of them are children”, says the Christian humanitarian NGO.
Like a good parent you won’t be able to serve up a feast at every meal, but you will look to offer health at every opportunity.
Practical steps for strengthening the church.
Five Venezuelans living in Spain explain how they see the critical situation of their country. They point out the important role that the evangelical churches play in integration.
The gospel is one beggar telling another where to find food.
Nearly 16 million people go hungry - half the population of the country. The UN announced a ceasefire that seeks to prevent “thousands of children from dying of malnutrition”.
Pastor Samuel Rodríguez (NHCLC USA) analyses the caravan of Central American migrants walking towards the border of the United States.
Several faith organizations are working together to help the Venezuelan refugees. Three million Venezuelans have left their country in the last year. “This is the biggest refugee crisis in South America”, the UN says.
PMI Director Zaza Lima analyses the refugee crisis from a biblical perspective. “We run the risk of having a theology of consumption, which avoids pain”.
Around 4,000 left Honduras to find a better life in Mexico and the US. World Vision calls for “a joint action between churches, civil society, companies and authorities to provide humanitarian aid”.
The death toll has risen to more than 2000. 86 church buildings in Palu have been established as aid centres. Pastors ask believers “to pray for strength for their communities to endure in the midst of trauma”.
He has named us his ambassadors on earth; as such, we should help others.
A group of 27 doctors, 12 nurses and 31 volunteers, along with 20 local volunteer-translators served Greek natives and refugees for three days.
A team of young people from a local church clean burnt properties “removing items, carrying wood and offering a hope of restoration”.
“A lot of people are blaming the State, blaming God”, says a Christian in the region. “Please pray for the country”.
“Not only are low-cost, but they offer holistic health care for all individuals, and more importantly, they create community”, a study about the church’s impact on health and care says.
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