To be a disciple of Jesus asks much of us, but we cannot fully describe how much we receive in the process.
Anti-Christian acts drop by 10% in a context in which antisemitic attacks continue to be on the rise, says a territorial intelligence report.
Although the offences against Christians have significantly grown in the past two years, for the federal government, “there is no increased threat to Christians”.
A panel discussion at the EU Parliament analyses the challenges of religious freedom in Europe. The European Prayer Breakfast was held before with around 450 guests.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe reports at least 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes in 35 European countries in 2023.
The Swedish, European and World Evangelical Alliances sent a joint report on asylum seekers, conscientious objection, and hate speech, among other issues.
After 4 years, the proceedings against pastor Olaf Latzel for hate speech are dropped. He paid a fine of 5000 euros and publicly apologised.
The initial “prayers” lead to a deeper reflection on polarisation in the public space, hatred, and the need for a biblical vision to change the direction of the country.
After a murder attempt that left the prime minister seriously injured, Christians share their reflections from the ground.
We can allow a certain amount of loathing, as the author of Ecclesiastes did, but we must always progress towards hope.
School handbooks now explain that all hate crimes should be reported to the police. The police are to set up reporting centres throughout Scotland where you can go and ‘clipe’ (a Scots word for snitch or tell-tale) on anyone.
“Extremism is the promotion of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance”, says the new legal definition of the government. Evangelical organisations see a risk in “subjective” decisions about what beliefs can or cannot be expressed.
Both the European Commission and the Parliament are addressing the problem of hate crimes. But without a clear definition of what “hate” is, we will not solve the problem, writes Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels.
A street preacher was wrongfully detained and won £15,000 in damages and legal costs, but the police logged in a 'non-crime hate incident report' against him.
“I am grateful to God. It is a privilege to defend freedom of speech”, the Christian politician says after an unanimous decision of the three judges.
I am alarmed at the number of soundbites that promote intolerance, all in the name of freedom of speech.
Judges to give a verdict by November 30th. Prosecutors asked a 120-day fine for Räsänen and argued her interpretation and post of Bible verses was “criminal”.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
Local authorities accused the Christian leaders of “tricking new members and disuniting the Bulgarian nation”. The religious freedom of the pastors was violated with “pejorative and hostile language”, says the European Union Human Rights court.
In 2021, a philosopher and evangelical pastor said in a TV debate the change would show “an unprecedented ethical selfishness” fruit of a “sick society”.
Perhaps, we would do well to ponder the spiritual attack against the Holy Spirit. I suspect that we would find our hearts drawn to Christ in the process.
The ILC is an association of Lutheran churches with “an unconditional commitment to the Bible”. Juhana Pojhola is part of the open case against Finish MP Päivi Räsänen.
The new guide states that “non-crime hate incidents should not be recorded where they are trivial or irrational”. Christians have welcome the initiative.
The 26-page complaint of the prosecutor has been accepted. The Christian parliamentarian sees it as an opportunity: “Acquittals in higher courts have broader significance”.
Three Christians in three European countries were acquitted this year of incitement of hatred against homosexuals. Separate issues? Yes, but there are strong similarities.
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