Rebeca, a Nigerian Christian, was kidnapped for 2 years, raped and got pregnant with the son of a terrorist. Her faith made her strong to endure the terror.
Sometimes we need to take time to think and go back over our actions. You can learn a lot this way, not only when you win, but more especially when you lose.
Red Cross donation buses were invited to some of the commemorative events of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. “408 lives will be saved”, they said.
“We would be the 5th NGO in Spain, after the Catholic Church, the Red Cross, MSF and Aid in Action”, says Joan Grimá, author of the study "Social Action of Protestant NGOs and Churches in Spain."
The Bible gives us some very interesting insight into the minds of those who have committed a serious crime.
Honesty is the most important ministry quality for Millennials, who are optimistic about their giving, self-motivated, and expect ministries to show the love of Jesus.
Will Graham mentions ten reasons why God blows him away.
The resurrection of Jesus is not only a victory over biological death, but a victory over global Death and over the prince of darkness.
Some were not interested in losing their power and corrupt privileges. Others preferred to continue their religious life with a “straw God”.
If we are praying for our sister or brother we will not be able to sin against them, but when we are sinning against them we can never truly pray for them.
The secret of forgiveness is not what we do but what God has already done.
If we are not capable of giving, we have not learned what loving means.
The story of pastor David Ortiz is a message of hope in the midst of barbarism. The power of God works in a way that is both real and supernatural.
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
We are to forgive first, then either we can bear with, or we need to approach and proactively address the situation.
The Evangelical Focus team is working to make this project sustainable. Everyone can contribute now with micro-donations.
About 70 trained volunteers are ready to go from Egypt to Europe with the “Give A Hand” project. Speaking in Arabic to refugees arriving in Lesvos “gave them a feeling to finally be understood by somebody.”
When the suspect realised who the judge was, he broke down in tears. Judge waited for him at the prison entrance when he was released, to hug him.
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
Monty Williams forgives the driver who killed his wife: “We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.”
10 ideas for the New Year.
A closer look at the Moabitess who appears on Jesus' genealogy.
What is a prostitute like Rahab doing on the Messiah's family tree?
Jesus is not a doll or a teddy or a fluffy bunny. He is the eternal Judge made manifest in flesh.
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