A journalistic report of ARD-SWR concludes that evangelical churches grow because they offer “an old message” in “a new packaging”.
A study shows that evangelical churches give migrants “the opportunity to integrate into the community and establish relationships”. It calls the political authorities to use these opportunities better.
Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies, and pray for those who persecute them.
History was indeed written on that forest road thirty years ago.
Reach Mallorca organised eight days of public evangelistic events on the beach. Although some people have complaint, “we are grateful to the city and want to contribute”, says director Gernot Elsner.
According to a Pew Research survey, “52 countries impose high levels of restrictions on religion, up from 40 in 2007”. Social hostilities have grown even more.
The Christian workers demanded asylum in Germany after their church activities were countered with regular verbal and physical aggressions.
The German government plans to ban so-called ‘conversion therapies’. Reinhardt Schink, Secretary General of the German Evangelical Alliance, says the law proposal is “neither coherent with its assumptions, nor consistent in its approach”.
The Christian Democrat has lead three German government ministries: Family, Health and Defense. Of a Protestant family, she was born in Belgium and has 7 children.
Irina Volodrska (Jews For Jesus, Ukraine) and Elia Daoud (Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe) speak about how they share the gospel with their own people.
The number of people fleeing war, persecution and conflict exceeded 70 million globally last year. Churches worldwide will celebrate World Refugee Sunday on June 23.
The European Evangelical Alliance not only addressed the general human longing for safety but also the current concerns about the Europe in which we are living.
The European Evangelical Alliance honours the work of a platform that offers “training of ministry workers and leadership, provision of a biblical perspective on disability, and mobilization of prayer and support”.
At least 20 big events were held in open air locations, with music, preaching and food. 90 pastors baptised around 500 people in the Elb river.
A survey among members of the EKD mainline church confirms the advance of theological liberalism.
The WEASC aims “to inspire and empower believers”. Priorities include “participation in global policy-making processes, climate change mitigation and sustainability”.
“The disappearance of many species of insects could possibly be the beginning of the disappearance of our own species”, PhD in Biology Antonio Cruz, says.
The official figure of the government is 100,986 abortions in 2018. Criminal or medical indications were the cause of only 4% of the abortions.
“Christian history is often just a cultural decoration”, says German theologian Evi Rodemann in response to a Pew Research survey which confirms the rapid decline of Protestantism.
For the first time in the history of the country where the Reformation began, there are more Catholics than Protestants.
A YouGov survey shows that “substantial portions of Western respondents” believe Islam is incompatible with society.
Germany, France, United Kingdom, Spain and other countries openly challenge Nicolás Maduro’s regime. Evangelical Christians pray for peace as fears of a civil war increase.
O’Bros win title of best emerging band with powerful live shows. Maxi and Alex: “The world needs Jesus”.
The Federation of Free Evangelical Churches (FEG) represents more than 450 churches in Germany. The document encourages to adapt the pastoral care to the person’s vital situation.
Interior Minister Matteo Salvini accepted the proposal of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy and the Waldensian Church.
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