About 10,000 believers seek to serve a society that looks to Europe for answers to the financial crisis. An interview with Samuil Petrovski.
Evangelical groups fear “legitimisation of persecution”. 3,000 Baptist churches write to Putin: “If the country’s laws are in conflict with the Bible… Christians will always take the biblical position”.
The Mayor of Rome, the ambassador of Germany and leaders of the Lutheran, Adventist and Evangelical denominations attend the event. AEI: “A step towards the full recognition of equal rights for all citizens, and thus also for evangelicals”.
Pastor Ihsan Özbek: “Fighting against prejudices is a tiring task”. Christians try to be peacemakers and assist refugees near the border with Syria and Irak.
No evangelical Christians are allowed to enter La Chachalacan. They even have signs announcing it.
The resolution asks the Commission and the memeber states for gender equality measures to be taken in all levels of education. The text is not legally binding as it is only a recommendation.
Christian leaders received jihadist messages via email, Facebook and mobile phones. Association of Protestant Christians: “threats are not anything new” but became “systematic” in August.
Kim Davis stopped issuing marriage licenses to all couples in June after the legalisation of gay marriage in USA.
A guide about religion in the Spanish armed forces warns about the privilege of the Roman Catholic Church over other confessions, especially in religious assistance.
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King talked in front of 200,000 people, claiming more freedom and justice, to build a better world.
Pastor attacked by extremists: “I asked one police officer why they did not intervene when the mob beat us up right in front of the police station. He replied that it was not his duty to intervene outside the police station.”
Replicated by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and only recently, John Rawls, each with his own differing conclusions, Rousseau's political theory only proved to have no solid footing to keep itself in balance.
The leaders of the independence movement in Mexico were fiercely fought by royalist forces, who counted with the staunch support of the authorities of the Catholic Church.
“We are very quick to criticise street preachers”, says British street preacher who faces a retrial at the end of July.
If attacks were to recur, would it not be appropriate to ask the LGBT community not to hide, and to speak up in defence of freedom of expression and conscience for every citizen?
“I am humbled by the opportunity to take viewers along on this incredible journey," Freeman said in a press release.
In Germany, SKB bank finances Free Church building projects. ‘Building churches together’ is the motto of the institution, which has supported more than 100 projects.
After 7 years, authorities approved the project propelled by a Filipino expat livig in the country. There are about 1,200 evangelical believers in Qatar.
Jaume Llenas (Spanish Evangelical Alliance) analyses the difficulties believers face in Europe when trying to participate in the public arena. “We need to reach society not only with arguments, but with a new narrative.”
The EKD continues to dwindle in 2013 and 2014 while free evangelical churches experience slight gains in church attendance.
The attacks to evangelical communities are recurrent in Mexico since 2012, but the state government remained silent.
More than 600 cases of violence against religious minorities have been registered in the last fifteen months.
A journalist follows the detention of a Taiwanese citizen in China, after he displayed a R.O.C. flag. Youtube platform is used to highlight his case.
MEPs ask the EU to clearly promote freedom of belief in its external action. European Parliament Intergroup on Freedom of Religion and Belief introduced its first annual report on the state of religion in the world.
Banning Christian university graduates from practising law over opposition to homosexuality isn't legal, rules Canadian court.
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