Eighty-seven new places of worship have been opened in the last six months of 2017. There are now 4,045 evangelical premises throughout the country.
The President of Bolivia says he revokes it “to avoid confusion”. Evangelicals were against a law that “could severely limit the organization of evangelistic activities”.
The rate is similar among Roman Catholics and Protestants. The 2017 Reformation commemorations have not had a deep impact, experts say.
The cryptocurrency, created in 2009, is used by hundreds of thousands. “It will be part of our daily lives”, the church in Zurich says.
A living example from the persecuted Christians in Egypt.
The new Penal Code criminalises evangelism and other religious activities. Christian leaders unite to offer “solutions through sincere and proactive dialogue”.
Military Police used excavators and dynamite to destroy the Golden Lampstand Church. “This might be a new pattern against any independent churches”, Christian advocacy groups warn.
The new Penal Code to be approved under President Evo Morales sanctions religious “recruitment” with 7 to 12 years of imprisonment.
A letter to the embassador in Rome was delivered.
A generation that accepts uncritically that ‘you can’t say that’ will slide from unwillingness to inability to disagree with or critique the propaganda it is relentlessly fed.
Former leader of the Liberal Party Tim Farron speaks about his experiences as an evangelical Christian in politics. “In the United States, you have to invent a faith to be taken seriously, in the UK you have to pretend you haven’t got one”.
Intolerance against Christians is highest in Central and Southeast Asia, after North Korea. The situation worsens dramatically in Africa. In Europe, two people were murdered bacause of their faith last year.
He is one of several Christians in the country who are now publicly asking to be recognised and respected: “We are no aliens, we are Moroccans”.
In their own quiet way, Russia’s Protestant denominations are continuing to evangelise.
More than 22 killed and 450 arrested in the last days. Authorities blame the “blasphemous minority”.
Fulani militants gunmen attacked Christian carollers while they were singing in a church of Southern Kaduna, Nigeria. Ten are still injured.
In an increasingly uncivil environment, Christian Unions provide an unequalled safe space in which to proclaim a dangerous and life-transforming message.
Most will not celebrate Christmas publicly this year to avoid “schisms in society” as they wait for the government to answer to their requests of freedom and equality.
The play “Memory of Ashes” recreates episodes of the life of the man who first translated the New Testament into Spanish.
Berating and slapping two pastors into signing an apology letter before police, Hindu extremists stopped a planned three-day gospel meeting in Chhattisgarh state minutes before it was to begin.
“We want to be like that drop of water that pierces the rock, to break the harshness of a sexsist society", says Asun Quintana, Women Counselour of the Evangelical Council of Madrid.
Alberta Child and Family Services considers “the couple’s religious beliefs regarding sexuality to be a rejection of children with LGBT sexual identities”.
The Evangelical Alliance writes a letter to the head of the Valais Canton education system asking for measures to make sure children are not proselytised.
A rehabilitated Spanish pimp explains how prostitution rings pay only €1,200 for an enslaved woman. “They become a blank cheque, the benefit of their exploitation could exceed €200,000”.
Human Rights activists, university professors and jurists supported historic conference with representatives of the Christian, Jewish and Shia minorities in Rabat.
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