When citizens who have an evangelical faith engage in social life, they have the same rights as others who are agnostic, atheists or of any other belief.
Nearly 70 participants involved in theological research and training discussed the topic of “Christian identity and mission in a divided Europe”.
“The psychological fallout from medical abortions completed at home can be severe”, Philippa Taylor of the Christian Medical Fellowship says.
They are accused of “propaganda activities against the system and in favor of Zionist Christianity through holding house meetings, evangelism, and invitation to Christianity”.
Cuba was reviewed earlier during this year in the framework of the Universal Periodic Review conducted by the UN's Human Rights Council in Geneva.
In all we do as Christians in Nepal we must now not be afraid but act wisely.
A pastor in Neuquén had to be protected by the police after a conference. An NGO denounces the “slander and abuses” of the Green Kerchief activists.
The government is hunting down evangelicals who welcomed an Ethiopian Pentecostal pastor. Christians had hoped the historic peace agreement with the neighbouring country would lead to more freedom.
Europe needs to ensure a true diversity of opinions within the European Parliament.
Chaos broke out in a metro train in Valencia when passengers confused a group of preachers with terrorists. The nine Germans have been released on bail.
“We want to get away from a default setting that just assumes everyone is Christian”, said opponents. “The importance of religious beliefs should not be underestimated”, the Church of Scotland pointed out.
Christian ethnic minorities have long suffered in Burma, where the government has recognized the special status of Buddhism.
The US pastor in Turkey leaves jail after 21 months. The court ruling on July 25 cites his health problems.
Rodrigo Duterte has recently claimed that “God is stupid” and has promised to step down as president in exchange for a ‘selfie with God’.
Joanna Schmid is 15 years old but has already published her first book: “Leah’s Mission: Betrayal in Rio”. The novel touches on a very relevant issue: the future of religious freedom.
The Chinese police agents have repeatedly interrupted Bible Reformed Church services and arrested its members. The members have refused to become a registered, state-run church.
The court in Izmir has decided to keep the US Protestant in jail until the next hearing, in October.
Blackpool Transport removed promotions for the event, after social media pressure from LGBT groups. “I am not coming to preach hate, I’m here to preach about Jesus”, Graham said.
Škripek is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a convinced Christian. To him, praying for a seemingly hopeless situation as there is in Syria is a logical thing to do.
Religious identity, nationalism, and violence.
In a rash of recent actions against Christians in Nepal, an alcoholic who became violent during an intervention had Christian leaders arrested on forcible conversion charges, and a foreign couple was deported.
Pastor Richard Smith was elected Mayor of Ferryhill in May. “My faith in Christ is what drives me to help people regardless of their faith, colour, culture, sexuality, or political persuasion”, he said.
Representatives of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria explained in Brussels their social model for a post-war Syria. The initiative for the cooperation was taken by the Christians, in collaboration with Muslims and other groups.
The European Court of Justice sides with Finnish data protection authorities. Preachers will have to inform about the personal data collected during their campaigns.
“We love our country, we pray for our authorities, and we have no intentions against our government”, Iranian Christian Dabrina Bet Tamraz told the UN Human Rights Council.
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