The National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka publishes a report analysing messages in social media against religious minorities.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom has analysed the effects of blasphemy laws worldwide between 2014-18. 11% of the blasphemy-related incidents took place in Europe.
"It will send a clear signal to those responsible: there will be consequences", says the representative of Foreign Affairs. Christian Solidarity Worldwide applauds the decision.
The religious freedom report of the Protestant Association of Churches in Turkey goes to the government, politicians and media. Foreign embassies, EU, UN, Christian partners and human rights NGOs also receive copies.
A report of the Korea Future Initiative (KFI) presents well-documented violations in North Korea. Investigators conducted 117 interviews with survivors, witnesses, and perpetrators.
Joshua Wong was in solitary confinement for organising an unauthorised meeting. “A Bible passage in Romans is what gives me strength”, he said while in prison.
The draft law prompted criticism for being “too vague” and threatening free speech. “It could see people prosecuted for offences that they did not know they committed”, the EAUK warns.
The CNEF suggests to “include a reaffirmation of the right to the peaceful exercise of religious freedom” and “hopes that the freedom of education will not be violated”.
Mainline Protestant and Catholic churches in Pakistan have decided to petition courts against forcible conversion of underage girls.
“We want to do justice to the religious background of army personnel”, the head of the army chaplaincy says. Swiss free churches describe the agreement as “historic”.
A Pew Research analysis combines data of a dozen of trusted sources. It concludes that “most of the 56 countries with high or very high levels of government restrictions on religion are in the Asia-Pacific region or the Middle East-North Africa region”.
The European Union new strategy includes criminalising “homophobic hate speech” and funding pro-LGBT initiatives. Countries that not comply with the new policy could lose funds.
His greatest desire is to see us all qualified for the greatest Olympics in history, where the prize is life itself.
The church is one of the few that keeps a legal status, because it was registered before 1959. “As repression has spread, the bonds between pastors are stronger than ever", a pastor said.
An Iranian Christian who fled his country continued to receive threats from his countrymen in Spain, where the authorities have not granted him asylum after 16 years. “I have confidence in God”, he says.
England and France ban worship services, strong restrictions are implemented in Switzerland. Churches in Germany, Italy and Spain, are not directly affected by the newest measures.
Sudan joins the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, which already signed the 'Abraham Accords'. Palestinians say “it violates the Arab Peace Initiative”.
For the first time in Montenegro's history, the ruling party has lost its majority due to a confrontation with the Orthodox Church. Evangelical Christian Danijel Petkovski analyses the current situation in this small Balkan country.
The agreement will be extended for 2 years. “It does not address all the open questions that still concern the church, but just the topic of episcopal appointments”, The Holy See admits.
The Organization of American States declares 27 October as International Day of Religious Freedom. Evangelicals participated in the sessions defending the life and the family.
In this new religion, it is sinful to be told that your desires are sinful. The Good News has been changed from ‘you must be born again’, to ‘God accepts you just as you are’.
Last July the EU announced the appointment but the position is still vacant. “Promoting freedom of religion is essential to address global challenges”, 49 MEPs say in a letter to the EU.
The brutal decapitation of a teacher near Paris for showing caricatures of Muhammad fuels the debate about radical Islamism in France.
A request to reopen places of worship was recently rejected without a justification. The Algerian Protestant Church (EPA) invites Christians worldwide “to join us to pray for Algeria”.
Hindu extremists falsely accuse a pastor and four other Christians of eating cow beef.
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