Shouldn’t an evangelist keep out of divisive political issues and stick to preaching the gospel?
Latin American evangelical leaders send letter to encourage young leaders to “stand firm in the cardinal truths of biblical faith”.
The French footballer ran an Alpha course. “I really enjoyed it, and I'm pleased my friends could enjoy it also”, he said in a video shared on Twitter by Alpha founder Nicky Gumbel.
Surf Church started in a living room in Porto, and now they offer dance classes and children work. “We would to see that church reproducing into more and more communities of Jesus followers”.
Two experienced hip hop artists in Spain open an online radio project to reach the urban culture with the gospel.
According to Alpha UK, more than 1,600 people are now registered to a course. "We have never done Alpha online before, but I think online courses are here to stay”.
Born in India, he spoke about Jesus Christ to thousands in over 70 countries. In March, the evangelist had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.
Christians in Sport (UK) are organising online Bible studies. Believers are called to “stay in the club and care for the teammates”.
This year’s edition of the ELF will be online from May 22-28. Over 100 speakers will teach in workshops, seminars, networks and plenary sessions.
The October 2020 Gathering has been moved to November 2021. The “Impact Groups” of the LE2020 Conversation are still running.
As evangelicals in Europe, we need intentionally to integrate media engagement in our discipleship and mission strategies and practices.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
Nurturing the seeds of a young global movement.
Our point of reference has to remain the Lord and not coronavirus. It’s necessary to affirm God’s control over the whole situation and the need to repent before Him.
God knows what is coming; He always has, and we never have. Maybe this can stir a greater humility in us all, even when restrictions ease.
Christians face the challenge of acting creatively as millions enter phase of confinement. “It might shape some of the future offers of our churches”.
Pastor Andrew Brunson challenged Christian media to reach Muslims with the gospel. “God wanted someone weak, to be an encouragement to other weak people”, he said about his time in prison.
Franklin Graham and mass evangelism in a post-Christian UK.
A Brethren church in the Spanish town of Águilas opens a library with more than 5,000 Christian books. Their vision is “to continue the evangelisation work that began here at the end of the 19th century”.
Two Iranian Christian women spent 259 days in prison for their faith. “God gave us an opportunity to share the gospel with people who needed to hear it”. They wrote a book about it.
The intersection between spiritual warfare and Christian mission, from an African perspective.
Peruvian theologian Samuel Escobar analyses the decade from a missionary perspective: the changes in Christianity, the role of migration in evangelism, and the work for justice.
Participants from 12 countries met near Barcelona. “The gift of the evangelist was stirred afresh as we prayed, worshipped and dared to ask God for Europe”.
Most European Christians have lived through the secularisation process and so they have been conditioned to see it as normal.
Karlsruhe hosts the 6-day-long evangelism conference and joint New Year celebration. Bible expositions on Acts, workshops, worship, arts, encourage university students to “wait on God” and respond with the gospel to Europe's spiritual hunger.
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