A short film shows the work of Pastor Gennaro Chiocca among victims of trafficking in Italy, the European country with the highest rate of prostitution.
The new Penal Code criminalises evangelism and other religious activities. Christian leaders unite to offer “solutions through sincere and proactive dialogue”.
The new Penal Code to be approved under President Evo Morales sanctions religious “recruitment” with 7 to 12 years of imprisonment.
In their own quiet way, Russia’s Protestant denominations are continuing to evangelise.
One of the main tasks of those involved in mission is to challenge the people to ask questions like “What does it mean to be a Christian?”
We can make no greater investment of our resources than to help churches become infectious communities of gospel-gripped people.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
The key question is whether Catholicism can consider popular Protestantism as God´s work. It is the same question that many traditional Protestant denominations also ask themselves.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
What is the Gospel all about?
About 110 people from 35 countries analysed the impact of the gospel in the European student context. Os Guiness, John Lennox, Lindsay Brown, Rebecca Manley Pippert and Michael Green shared at the FEUER gathering.
The annual theological training conference is intended to build a deeper Biblical understanding, and give a contemporary evangelistic vision to young leaders.
A recent EBF Mission Partnership conference in Georgia sought to ‘encourage, and inspire in ministry’ a group of indigenous church planters from Eastern Europe.
The EEA General Assembly gathered to consider how Evangelical Christians across Europe might more effectively communicate the historic, biblical gospel to a secular society.
“The goal is not only to sing, but to tell what God has done in our lives”, says the director of the Choir of the Reformation of Galicia, one of several groups touring in Spanish regions this year.
To be a good theologian is to seek to know and rely upon the Word of God better. It is to be a faithful Christian.
“It is very important to communicate with those we are going to defend, otherwise, we can hurt them, or put them in jeopardy”, says Hans Gravaas of the Stefanus Alliance International.
“Pastors who make time for sharing their faith with non-Christians and who teach church members to do the same can have a big impact”, LifeWay Research study says.
Christians visit the place where the Barcelona attack happened to offer comfort. “We are living incredible experiences”, says Jaume Torrado.
“The Forum is the best training event I've seen in Europe in the last 20-25 years”, says Prof. John Lennox. The morning Bible teacher will be Peter J. Williams, Principal and CEO of Tyndale House.
German Christian ministry Gospel Tribe reaches out to young tourists through worship services, prayer and personal testimonies. “Jesus would have been here, He cared about people”.
Evangelist Michael Green speaks on how to mobilise the local church for effective evangelism.
Pastor Pietro Evangelista runs an association to help those affected by the earthquakes in Italy. "We want them to know that the evangelical church is present", he says.
Spanish preacher and songwriter Alex Sampedro: “It is time to make it clear that we want to bless the cities, we want to present Jesus to the people around us.”
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