I am stepping down from my role as Director of the Jubilee Centre and stepping out to pioneer a community of reform around the whole challenge of housing.
A critique of Western Christian leadeship in light of global trends. An article by Mary Ho.
36% voted ‘no’ in the referendum. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance expresses “sadness” over an outcome that “puts desires of adults over rights of children”.
The Court of Appeal ruled that now doctors will decide if children can be prescribed puberty blockers. Former transgender patient Keira Bell warns about “the significant harm that children are exposed to”.
Costa Rican evangelical leaders gathered to thank God for two hundred years of independent life and to pray for the country.
The military announced a government of national unity. Guinean evangelicals ask to pray “for the unity of the church, socio-political stability and support to promote the gospel”.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance opposes sperm donation for lesbian couples: “Children have a right to a father and a mother”. Surveys say a majority would vote ‘yes’ on 26 September.
Three ways to bridge the leadership gap. An article by Nana Yaw Offei Awuku and Ole-Magnus Olafsrud.
For the first time since March 2020, physical distancing ends although face masks remain.“This is a time to celebrate, as we worship God together”, the Evangelical Alliance says.
Britten’s direct inspiration was the regal music called Zadok the Priest and the text is based on the opening chapter of I Kings, verses 39 & 40.
Large mainline denominations that have adapted their theology to the LGBT ideologies have accelerated their loss of membership: 7 cases in 4 countries.
The document was published only two days after a similar blacklist in Argentina. Targeted groups include the European Christian Political Movement and ADF.
The government welcomes the “depathologisation“ of transgender people. Critics denounce legal uncertainties, a harmful approach to children, and the “erasure“ of women.
The Global Youth Culture Study found out about their struggles, beliefs, relationships, connectedness and who and what influences them.
Addressing the Human Rights Council, the UN Expert backs “intersectional gender analysis”. The World Evangelical Alliance says Christians believe “human beings are created male and female” and defends the “freedom to express this belief in the public square”.
Evangelicals in Catalonia and the rest of Spain analyse the government's decision to free the convicted leaders of the Catalan independence process.
The answer to the question ‘are you religious’ or ‘do you belong to a religion’ depends on what the respondents understand by being ‘religious.’
This debate is really about something much bigger: what —or who— is the basis of reality, and how does this “filter down” to the issue of gender?
7 Conversations is a suite of interactive multimedia resources. The aim is to help local churches “to thrive among all generations and bring young adults to faith in Jesus”.
A website paid by International Planned Parenthood published personal data and “connections” of pro-life and pro-family groups. Strong reactions in all social spheres criticise the “culture of hate” promoted by the “thought police”.
It is essential that we find out what women think and what their experience has been. We also need to look into the detail of how men and women relate to each other.
According to the European Values Survey, migrants are more likely to belong to either a Muslim community or to be evangelical / Pentecostal than are the non-migrants.
In the year of the pandemic, nearly 7,000 people died by euthanasia, the highest number since the practice was legalised two decades ago.
In an open letter, priests and other members of the Swedish Lutheran Church say they believe in “a humanity in all the colours of the rainbow, absolutely amazing and infinite in its diversity”.
Sometimes we are unable to hear the voice of God due to ignorance, lack of sensitivity or sin; that's when a good friend can help.
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