One third of the users around the world are minors, the newest report of the agency for cihldren explains. “Many have a digital footprint before they can even walk or talk”.
The need for missional theological education that values the whole church.
Evangelicals join Catholics in a demonstration in capital city San José. Other mobilisations will oppose gender ideology.
The Evangelical Alliance writes a letter to the head of the Valais Canton education system asking for measures to make sure children are not proselytised.
Several events to celebrate the 125th anniversary of VUSH (Evangelical Alliance Albania). “To understand evangelicals, you must understand the meaning of the gospel, the good news of God’s love for everyone”.
Lindsay Brown, Director of FEUER, talks about how the Reformation had a defining and far-reaching impact on Western educaton institutions, which profoundly influenced modern society.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
Speaking in Wittenberg on 31 October, the German Chancellor said the Reformation anniversary is “a great opportunity to strengthen the awareness about the Christian roots in our society”.
"We are not going to teach gender ideology in the school, but we are not going to discriminate anyone either", Education Minister Enrique Riera, says.
The traditional terms are replaced by BCE – Before Common Era, and CE – Common Era. Using the traditional form does not offend Jews, says one of its leaders in the UK.
The position of the European Evangelical Alliance summarised in fifteen ideas.
Censorship, curbs on self-expression and communications that might be considered offensive, heavy fines for expressing views that could be interpreted as degrading, and having to prove one’s innocence if accused of discrimination.
This educationalist, Prime Minister and theologian has left an imprint on Dutch churches, schools, media and politics visible even a full century later.
Slavik Lytvynenko is an Ukranian research professor in Prague. “Athanasius taught me that work has meaning only when done with the divine perspective in mind”.
Jaume Llenas on the aims and motivations of the statement released by Spanish Evangelical Alliance regarding the LGBT bill that will be discussed in September in the Spanish Parliament.
Thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital under the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children).
A petition asking members of the Spanish parliament to stop the draft law reaches 5,000 signatures in 24 hours.
More than 5,000 new cases were reported last year, many in London. “FGM is not related to religion”, World Vision activist Susana Oliver says.
The development of a healthy autonomy entails a process. As parents, we can be right or wrong when it comes to educating.
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
The economist summarises the manifesto “Confederal Europe: Strong Nations, Strong Union” and explains why personal relationships should be at the centre of our economy, education and democracy.
“The Christian teaching is that we need to control the power of central governments”, says economist Michael Schluter, co-author of manifesto ‘Confederal Europe: Strong Nations, Strong Union’.
A summary video of the IFES Europe conference which brought together 1,700 students from many countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany) to reflect on God's mission in society.
About 20 men arrived at the school with knives and other weapons and began to beat the women. Members of a nearby church tried to defend them.
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