Efraim Tendero (World Evangelical Alliance) and Jaume Llenas (Spanish Evangelical Alliance) agree in their disapproval of ecumenism and emphasise mission: “If we stop sharing the gospel, we stop being evangelical Christians”. A second report from the 2016 Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly.
The way in which Catholicism perceives time - the sense of definitiveness as well as that of a progression - is a solid indicator of its basic theological framework.
WEA’s Secretary General Efraim Tendero and Pentecostal pastor with personal friendship with Pope Francis Giovanni Traettino, among those invited to share their views in the assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
Ewan McGregor plays both Jesus and the Devil in Rodrigo Garcia's film about the final few days in the wilderness. “It was done with nothing but respect and passion”, the Scottish actor says.
It is one thing is to work together on areas of common concern in society, e.g. the promotion of Judeo-Christian values in society; it is an altogether different issue to engage in common mission and evangelism.
The results of the Spanish elections demand a deep change in the way of understanding politics.
Emergent parties Podemos (left) and Ciudadanos (centre-right) get one in three votes. No clear government for the first time in democracy.
“Dialogue is not a luxury: it is a vital necessity if we want to coexist well”, Pablo Martínez Vila said at the inauguration of RZ Foundation for Dialogue between Faith and Culture in Madrid.
The German Chancellor: “We all have the freedom to have our religion, to practice it, and to believe in it.”
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