How much do you value Jesus? How important is he to you? He gave all he had to be one of us. He was willing to die for you and me.
Air pollution is responsible for 9% of mortality in France, according to a study made public this week. The only things that are more deadly to the French are tobacco and alcohol.
It doesn't matter if you are young or old. The days go by quickly for everyone. We may have many or few years left, but every day we get closer to the end of them. Think about it for a moment. Are you prepared to die?
Calvin College in Michigan organised a forum about death penalty. “It hurts victims rather than helping them”, said a victim’s family member.
Monty Williams forgives the driver who killed his wife: “We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.”
An analysis of the apostolic Gospel.
“We have the opportunity now to play a key role in ending an institution that for too long has failed to live up to core Christian principles”, thinks Heather Beaudoin.
When Jesus saw the multitudes he cried . And how de we react?
Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, president of NHCLC, explained to Evangelical Focus the Hispanic Evangelical churches opposition to death penalty.
In this 13th chapter of Hosea we unexpectedly come across one of the most remarkable verses in the book, if not in the whole Old Testament. But first we need to see its context.
Jack Lovelock was a great New Zealand sportsman, in 1936 an Olympic champion in Berlin in the 1500m.; he also graduated as a doctor from Oxford University.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem professor Yuval Noah Harari, fabricates a future with no Creator: “Humans will become God-like cyborgs within 200 years.”
The vast majority of Massachussets citizens oppose the death penalty. Appeals could last for more than a decade and finally end in a life sentence.
They are the first national association of evangelical congregations to take a position in favour of death penalty repeal. Many Catholic groups support them.
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