“There is nothing in life my wife can't conquer with Jesus Christ in her corner", Holiday tweeted. His team, the New Orleans Pelicans, fully supports him.
On June 19 and 26, many churches will spend a day to pray “for the welfare and protection of the world’s forcibly displaced peoples”. Ideas and resources are offered.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa encourages local churches in the continent and other Christians to pray and give to the project.
Ewan McGregor plays both Jesus and the Devil in Rodrigo Garcia's film about the final few days in the wilderness. “It was done with nothing but respect and passion”, the Scottish actor says.
Christ is coming back. Maybe he'll come today!
Sunday trading hours will remain the same at present after MPs voted by 317 votes to 286, to dismiss the proposal. Religious leaders were against it too.
Pastors Russell Moore and Max Lucado raise their voice against Trump’s candidacy. For some Christian voters “it doesn’t matter if our candidate hates, bullies, and exploits other people”, dennounces Gina Dalfonzo.
The company organises its own “Family Day” while thousands support a traditional heterosexual definition of marriage in Rome. Ikea has actively supported LGBT demonstrations.
Jesus left an established model only for those who are brave, be it men or women. A model for people who are not ready to fall into social trends propelled by discrimination or frustration.
“Young leaders have contributed fresh ideas, taken proactive measures, and mobilized through social media as never before”, UN Secretary General said.
In five minutes, on the podium, it will be the decisive moment. The Spanish are going to hear me for the very first time. Curses, the toilet door is jammed! I am stuck in the loo of a paradise island: highly symbolic!
British Christians give 5 reasons to respect Sundays. A The Guardian columnist argues politicians “worship the god of finance.”
Institutions and gender NGOs urge for measures to ensure women’s equal access to and full participation in power structures and decision-making.
February 6th, International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. World Vision says “Education is the key”. Read the interview.
The Scottish actor will be both characters, in Rodrigo Garcia´s new film. Movie recreates the 40 days that Jesus was tempted in the desert.
“We live in a global village and Africans understand the village life better- each person's problem is everyone's problem”, said AEA leader to Evangelical Focus. Christians in the continent ask Muslims to condemn violence against Christians.
In a purely symbolic but still unsettling move, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has moved the minute hand on its Doomsday Clock two minutes closer to midnight.
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