More than 20 countries were represented at the European Evangelical Alliance General Assembly 2016. The “identity of Europe” and the Christian response to several challenges was discussed in Colares (Portugal).
Gretta Vosper, the spiritual leader of a church in Toronto, declares herself an atheist. The United Church of Canada believes she is “unsuitable to continue serving”.
A summary of the special Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering organised in Jakarta (Indonesia) in summer 2016. 1,000 delegates and 100 mentors came from 150 countries.
“Is the gospel about human salvation from a condemned world or does it include hope for creation’s good future in Christ?” Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance sponsor the regional gathering.
Hundreds of participants will participate in specialised networks. The morning Bible teacher will be Prof. John Lennox and evening plenary speakers include Lindsay Brown, Leonardo De Chirico, Hans Bayer and Michael Reeves.
Michael Oh, Os Guiness, René Breuel, Rebecca Manley Pippert, Mutua Mahiani, Anne Zaki, Ravi Zacharias and others shared their views at the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta (Indonesia).
Young evangelical leaders from around the world brought together by the Lausanne Movement, shared eight days in Jakarta (Indonesia). Thinkers like Os Guiness, Ravi Zacharias or Anne Zaki were part of a meeting in which participants from 150 countries talked face to face and initiated projects.
“I see a generation that is humble to build on the wisdom of previous generations, but also bold enough to contextualize it and come up with new initiatives for global mission”, says Sarah Breuel, Chair of the Lausanne Movement Younger Leaders Gathering 2016.
Issues of social justice are discussed at the Annual Gathering of the Baptist World Alliance. The meeting is hosted on July 4-9 in Vancouver.
About 600 participants worshipped God together and reflected on the mission in Europe. Working groups were started in several areas.
The week-long course was made up of twenty-one sessions which were delivered by Leonardo De Chirico, Gregg Allison, Greg Pritchard and Mike Reeves. “This week has been something of a dream come true.”
53% of the boys surveyed think “online pornography is realistic.” P-Word conference will be held in London to explore a practical Christian response to the issue of pornography.
“Christians should be prepared to argue for positions which advance the international common good even at the apparent expense of their national interests”, Dr Jonathan Chaplin said in Amsterdam (May 8-9).
The 2016 Refugee Highway Partnership Europe roundtable in Catania (Italy) gathered more than 80 people from 17 countries. Participants shared experiences, ideas and resources to better serve refugees in their countries.
The Archbishop of Canterbury condemned all homophobic behaviour, and defended the Primates decision to suspend the Episcopal Church USA for 3 years.
A participant of the European Mission-Net congress shares what she took home from Offenburg, Germany.
Almost 200 nations will gather in France to discuss climate change next week. Christian creation care NGO A Rocha will be in Paris and organises the conference “A Christian response to climate change.”
A Roman Catholic agency informs about an ecumenical meeting which would have brought 150 representatives of 7 religions to North Korea this week.
“We appeal to all African societies to welcome migrants and refugees fleeing persecution.” Migration, corruption and relations between Christians and Muslims were discussed in the fifth ABLI conference, in Malawi.
The invitation-only congress brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.
Participants from across Europe met in Poland to connect, share projects and study the Bible together. Ajith Fernando, Michael Oh and dozens of other speakers encouraged participants to join God's mission.
European Freedom Network gathered its partners for the third time to engage in collaborative dialogue on effective strategies in the fight against human trafficking at the Bridge Conference in Bucharest, Romania.
Greg Pritchard talks about the exciting connections happening in Europe between evangelical leaders with a heart for God’s mission.
Pritchard explains the vision of ELF, comments on the 2015 event in Poland and reflects on what it means to have an "evangelical identity".
Over 200 people attended a conference entitled “The Giuliano-Dalmata diaspora: a journey from tragedy to hope”. Evangelicals identify with exiles and their struggles as a minority.
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