We should be able to recognise the dangers that lurk alongside those in Christian service – and not make the mistake of thinking that we are immune from them.
A Brethren church in the Spanish town of Águilas opens a library with more than 5,000 Christian books. Their vision is “to continue the evangelisation work that began here at the end of the 19th century”.
Jim Memory analyses the main issues that have changed Europe in the 2010-2019 decade. How should Christians live in a continent that has lost its soul?
“Prayer is like a fire. One spark that someone prays should ignite a passion in someone else”. Mike Betts leads the network of churches Relational Mission.
Africa has become “an easy prey, because of its vulnerability and the abiding Western interest in the region”, says the Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
Hindu villagers have also stopped worshippers from coming to services, with threats that they would be brutally attacked if they continued gathering.
Are you being poisoned by a sewage pipe of unhelpful input through your phone, through the internet, through what you read or what you watch?
Gunmen also wounded 18 and kidnapped 3. The previous week, other 7 Christians were seized and 5 were found dead.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
Three churches were set on fire twice in less than a month.
Roman Catholicism is built on the conviction that its system is capable of keeping together its unchangeable Roman identity and its ever-increasing Catholicity.
The Christian Association of Nigeria organised a march to end a three-day fast. In January alone, 100 people died due to terrorism and clashes between Muslims and Christians.
The technology is able to analyse and report about the frequency of attendance, the mood, gender and average age of the people who attend a service.
We are called to bear witness to God’s kingdom on earth to transform people’s lives holistically, rather than simply bringing about political solutions.
A Christian worker expelled by Xi Jinping's government in 2018 shares his views about the spiritual state of the country.
Hindu extremists attacked pastor, accusing him of being responsible for the growing number of people converting to Christianity.
Journalist and theologian José de Segovia reflects on the evolution of culture in the last decade, how it has affected evangelical Christians, and what new challenges they face.
Peruvian theologian Samuel Escobar analyses the decade from a missionary perspective: the changes in Christianity, the role of migration in evangelism, and the work for justice.
Digital persecution is on the rise, the WWL 2020 shows. Asia Bibi’s release was one of the the good news.
The Modern Slavery law would give victims at least 12 months of guaranteed support. Charity CARE asks Christians to contact their local MP to support the initiative.
Many Disney movies mix Judaeo-Christian teaching with other religious elements and spirituality and then ‘put some magic on top’ as the final solution for making your dreams come true.
Jesus didn’t establish his church to be a place where only people that fitted in were welcome; he railed and raged against that very thinking 2,000 years ago.
In Haiti I have perceived, more than anywhere else, that physical battles are also spiritual battles, and that visible suffering is the result of the invisible tension between the world of darkness and the light of Christ.
Concern for the poor, starting with those within the Christian ‘family’, is laced through the fabric of the Gospels and Epistles.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
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