“The challenge for us is to welcome people into our churches, give them time in their process of discovering what it means to be a Christian, while holding on to Biblical standards”, says professor of religious studies Evert Van de Poll.
“We want to collaborate more with other churches, but language is a barrier”, say pastors of the Chinese Christian Churches.
A survey shows that women have more existential questions than men, while Protestants and Catholics are the ones who think more about the meaning of life.
Exile can be fruitful and fertile when we see it as a season to build, to love, and to pray.
A megachurch in Colombia offers its temples for medical and spiritual help. Argentinian evangelical leaders pray for “renewed strength and encouragement”.
The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) publishes its annual report of violence against Christians. “Most of the incidents are related to physical violence, threats, harassment and the disruption of church services”.
Despair, distraction and compromise are three of them.
“The sun would not go down without recording at least one case of attack on Christians from Uttar Pradesh on a typical Sunday”, a Christian rights activist says.
Three bilingual evangelical churches in Cuenca, Ecuador, gather dozens of indigenous families. “We do not preach religion, we preach Jesus Christ”, a pastor says.
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance issued an appeal to all evangelical churches, ministries, and believers to join together on March 22nd to pray in unity, asking God to be revealed in this very moment.
Christians in various countries mention the loneliness in times of confinement and the needs of the elderly, as priorities to be addressed in the coming weeks of crisis.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
Prayer and pastoral care online, workshops, Instagram humor, are some of the responses to the first days of confinement.
This situation may be new to most of us, but it is not new for most people, in most of the world, for most of history. This situation is new to us, but it is not new to God’s people.
Move lauded as first step to returning churches to their leaders. “All respective authorities should comply with this order”.
Christians face the challenge of acting creatively as millions enter phase of confinement. “It might shape some of the future offers of our churches”.
Worship songs are heard in balconies, online communities are organised, and a Day of National Prayer has been called for next Sunday.
Schools and other public services have been closed. Hundreds of thousands confined in some regions. Evangelicals suspend all services and meetings and call to pray according to Psalm 91.
I lead a congregation in Rome that thrives on handshakes, greet kisses, and physical contact. This winter, the coronavirus has taught Italians the cautions of distance and isolation.
Spirituality is not given its name because it is connected to the soul or the spiritual part of humanity, but because it comes from the Spirit of God.
Pastors of the Chinese Christian Church in Spain explain how they handle the Covid-19 crisis. “At work, we notice discrimination. Many think that the Chinese are carriers of the virus”.
Covid-19 deaths rise to over 360 as Italy becomes the second most affected country in the world. Italian evangelical leaders advice churches to follow the recommendations of the authorities and pray for “a spiritual and social revival with lasting effects”.
For the most part, just decent biblical preaching is the meat and vegetables your church needs to grow healthy and strong.
They are cooperating with the authorities and complying with the precautionary measures of the Spanish Health Ministry.
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