Around 88 entities might close because of the economic impact of the pandemic. The Bible Society in England has launched a £5m plan, to save those most at-risk.
Sudanese government also bans female genital mutilation. The WEA encourages Sudan to take more measures to enshrine human rights and religious freedom.
The US Commission for International Religious Freedom asks for the release of pastor Jesus Quinones, and the right of Cuban parents to “raise their children pursuant to their own faith”.
God is very clear, either you are or you are not. There are not “almost” believers.
The regional government asks churches to report any newcomers to make sure they undergo PCR tests. The region has experienced three recent outbreaks.
Why Christians should speak up on behalf of Jews.
Malawi will have a government led by the former president of Assemblies of God. “We are excited to have a respected man of God as the head of state”, says Christian leader Matilda Matabwa.
Agents of the Revolutionary Guard raid homes looking for Christian literature. Seven Christians were falsely sentenced last month for “spreading propaganda against the state”.
The French footballer ran an Alpha course. “I really enjoyed it, and I'm pleased my friends could enjoy it also”, he said in a video shared on Twitter by Alpha founder Nicky Gumbel.
Lazarus Chakwera won after 13 months of street protests related to the 2019 elections. “I accept this call to serve you for I am duty bound to God”, he said.
A research of Christian think tank Theos, also shows that Londoners are “more conservative and civically engaged”, and “26% feel marginalised because of their beliefs”
“When we entered the police station for the identification process, the attacker was treated like a VIP, not as a criminal,” says the brother-in-law of the pastor.
For Christians readjusting to life emerging from lockdown, we should be seeking the common good by respecting the law and following any guidelines.
At the epicenter of the Covid-19 crisis in Italy, an evangelical church opened its building to the community, transforming it into a shelter for the homeless.
Covid-19 exposes the stark inequalities of our world as it wreaks havoc most on those for whom lockdown means no money and no food and who don’t have access to the basics of clean water and soap let alone a garden or park.
Colonial missionary impact, world Christianity, and Muslim-Christian dialogue.
Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
It’s one thing to know what to protest against. It’s another to know what vision for society, for our nation, for the world, to champion.
Christian leaders denounce that Christian students are obliged to study Islamic religion and are often forced to convert to Islam.
Children of the refugee camps in Lebanon who do not have access to schooling, are the main focus of the Christian NGO Together For the Family.
This is the time for leaders to step forward, holding firm to their values and communicating them clearly.
Refugee Sunday will be on 21 June. In a new document about the refugee crisis, European evangelicals call “to pray, consider your country’s response and speak up”.
The president of the French Evangelical Alliance, Christian Blanc, spent one month in the hospital infected with the coronavirus. “We must incarnate the gospel by being closer to the poor and the sick”.
A tribal mob, incited by Hindu extremists, killed the 16-year-old, falsely accusing him and other targeted Christians of practicing black magic.
A 2019 report of the Observatory for Religious and Conscience Freedom warns that the violent attacks against places of worship have increased.
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