“There is no dichotomy between doctrinal content and relationship”, pastor Mark Stirling says.
The Bodnariu family will also see the two older boys twice a week for two hours. “The battle for the children continues”, the family's spokesman wrote in a statement.
The project aims to involve as many United Kingdom local churches as possible. The gift is a shoe box filled with toys and educational items for children, toiletries, confectionery, and information about the city.
When we decide to follow Jesus, his resurrection life enters into our bodies, so that we are ‘in Christ’ and we become a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!
Cases of conversion in Malaysia have been plagued by official dissension and charges of apostasy by Muslim authorities challenging verdicts by secular courts in Sharia tribunals.
Assemblies of God pastor: “There is no security, our non-Christian neighbours insult us almost daily, and we are scared.”
A survey shows that, for the first time ever, there are more in Norway who say they don’t believe in God than those who say they do.
Christ is coming back. Maybe he'll come today!
Although about 85 percent of the people in Uganda are Christian, many have died, kidnapped, or threatened just for confessing their faith in the last months.
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). Bad company corrupts good character.
EEA encourages European evangelical community to pray for Turkish Christians reaching out to hungry refugees.
Calvin College in Michigan organised a forum about death penalty. “It hurts victims rather than helping them”, said a victim’s family member.
“The main challenge is that non-evangelical Europeans feel that the gospel has been tried and found insufficient, that it is too simplistic for a complex and sophisticated society”, says American missionary Steve Mann after working in Europe for 30 years.
After he made a decision to follow the Lord Jesus, Hersey Hawkins began to understand what it meant to be happy in all circumstances, even when he had to train alone in the gym for hours.
The Golden State Warriors leader is by far the best player of the league. His shoes have Philippians 4:13 written on the tongue. “I am a servant of God”, he said in his MVP acceptance speech last season.
Monty Williams forgives the driver who killed his wife: “We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.”
In order to worship, it is necessary to truly understand who we are and who the God of all ages is, over and above what He does for us.
“It is amazing how these people are still happy, despite everything they have gone through”, director Fernando De Haro explains.
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
Today, aged 17, approaching his birthday and official adulthood, José is facing up to the prospect of having to leave the shelter and create a life for himself beyond the familiar walls.
We Christians have so much to offer people in a post-conflict situation.
So was Abraham a superhero? In fact, he started life rather unpromisingly as a refugee from Iraq (Ur of the Chaldees), settling in Turkey (Haran), then he became a nomad in Palestine, and lived for a time as a foreigner in Egypt.
Sixty signatures from people of a different faith and a permission from the local authority are needed to build a church. Closures and violence against Christians have not stopped the Church from growing.
Evi Rodemann, director of the Mission-Net Congress (December 28 - January 2), talks about the role of youth in church and missions, the challenges Europe is facing, and the importance of real discipleship.
Are our emotions and feelings, our explosive characters or our desires more authentic than our responsibilities?
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