Because of the paradoxical relationship between God’s freedom and human freedom, Christians need a robust “theology of surprise”.
Endurance is a beautiful word for an athlete, and for a Christian. God has not called us to conquer the world in five days.
A suggestion on how to deal with Halloween and other popular festivals.
The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom has launched the Speak Up campaign to provide a clearer picture of the legal basis to talk about Jesus. Jurist Nancy Lefèvre (France) helped to start the initiative.
Am I building my Babel? / Brick upon brick / Constructing an edifice / Of my own achievement.
The WEA Mission Comission Consultation was held in Panama, with the theme: Polycentric mission. One of the participants, Helder Favarin, shares his views of the gathering with Evangelical Focus.
The Evangelical Church of Castelldefels (Spain) leads “Imperfect”, a new restaurant to help people at risk of social exclusion.
More than 46,000 students attend Christian Union mission weeks in UK, and many become Christians. CU leaders are trained for it at the Forum, UCCF’s national training conference .
There is a place for patriotism and healthy national pride. But surely we should get nervous when British exceptionalism and nationalistic fervour get wrapped up in religious language.
Morning always comes. We live in darkness, but we live with hope. And our hope is God Himself.
DARSE received the prison social merit bronze medal. “It is faith in God what drives us to act”, Director Paco Mata said.
Gretta Vosper, the spiritual leader of a church in Toronto, declares herself an atheist. The United Church of Canada believes she is “unsuitable to continue serving”.
We can have a great marriage, a wonderful husband or wife and still be fundamentally unhappy. Rachel is an example of this.
“There is nothing in life my wife can't conquer with Jesus Christ in her corner", Holiday tweeted. His team, the New Orleans Pelicans, fully supports him.
Being in a relational situation where you are unloved can feel very oppressive. But the Lord sees your situation. He says, “I will show my love to the person who is not loved” (Hosea 2:23).
To forgive requires first to be aware, through God’s light, of the dark hidden corners in our own heart.
“Our identity is in Christ”, said synchronized diving medallists Boudia and Johnson. “I'm in the sport to show people I find my happiness with what God's given me”, gold medal swimmer Caeleb Dressel declared.
His surviving works are rare and are in museums all over the world but, says Susan Mansfield, the Dutch artist remains a man of mystery
Chinese Millennials look to the church for answers to life's big questions. 62% of China's believers are between the ages of 19 and 39.
Samuil Petrovski, President of the Serbian Evangelical Alliance, and General Secretary of the IFES Serbia writes about the Nick Vujicic’s visit to Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro last spring.
Do not worry about lost balls! Do not be interested in criticism! Do not fear responsibility! God has called you, so he will give you the strength to be restored.
How will we use the gifts God has given to us? What will be remembered for in the way that we have used these gifts?
Although China is officially an “atheist country”, it is also where most Bibles are printed. Amity Printing plans to reach 150 million this summer.
About 90% of the Native Americans have minimal or no connection to Christianity. “There are no mega-churches with Indians, but we have people who love the Lord”, Emerson Falls, former chairman of FoNAC, said.
She lived 4,000 years ago and, although she can hardly be called a celebrity, even today people all over the world are still reading about her.
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