Some of the biblical themes underlying specific verses about remuneration are justice, dignity and reward.
About 821 million people in the world today are undernourished. Jesus gives us a wonderful example when it comes to thinking about food.
Professor John Lennox examines the three supernatural events in the first three chapters of Acts: Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost, and the healing of a lame man by the Apostles.
The environmental crisis of the current age is symptomatic of a deeper relational crisis. An article by Hannah Eves.
It is heartening to see Christians take a robust, positive and directive stance on artificial intelligence.
Remember that how we support the bereaved can bring glory to God.
Love is really a quality of relationship, and biblical law shows us what loving relationships look like, in contrast to unjust or abusive ones, across a wide range of settings.
Baptist minister Rev Chu Yiu-ming, along with the other two founders of the pro-democracy ‘Occupy Central’ movement could be jailed for up to seven years. 200 supporters gathered to pray and sing songs.
The pro-environment and pro-European Union lawyer will be the country’s first female head of state.
The Brexit crisis has overwhelmed almost everyone who cares about the issue and the feelings of exhaustion and confusion seem unbearable. The temptation now is to switch off and go to sleep.
Politicians and organisations say freedom of speech and religious freedom could be restricted if “sexual orientation” is given a special protection in the Penal Code.
One hundred Czech Christian leaders worked in thematic networks. Seminars addressed issues like the generational divides, church finances, and the use of pornography among Christians.
When we speak about or pray for the persecuted are we exemplifying biblical ethics and the best of the Christian tradition?
It’s better to risk understating the extent and severity of persecution than to risk overstating the problem. What’s at stake is credible religious freedom advocacy.
Cross-cultural wisdom for a polycentric missions reality.
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
Perhaps we are being offered a wake-up call and a hope. And perhaps we can bring a humble, rich theology of creation (one that spurs us into action) squarely into the debate.
Thinking biblically about public life begins with framing reality according to the Word of God.
O’Bros win title of best emerging band with powerful live shows. Maxi and Alex: “The world needs Jesus”.
What is a Christian response to the bewildering parliamentary pantomime we’re currently watching of MPs trying to deal with Brexit?
As followers of Jesus, we are called to positive cultural engagement. This must begin with assessing where we ourselves are adopting these narratives uncritically, and going on to evaluate them in a constructive way.
There is no replacement to the discipline of reading a good book and/or going through deep soul-searching while looking at a painted masterpiece.
The miracle of new beginnings, the miracle of justice realised and the miracle of changed hearts.
It would be wise to acknowledge what raw individualism takes away from us.
Gone are the days when you had to enter a dingy betting shop to wager a fiver. Now you place a bet with just one tap or swipe on a smartphone.
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