Many are complete unknowns to us, but their glorious stories are written in heaven and thousands of angels sing a song of praise to God as they arrive there.
The Greek forward thanked God after receiving the NBA Most Valuable Player award. “My motto is ‘Walk by faith, not by sight’”, he says.
God had the first word and, rest assured, He'll have the last.
If God doesn't stop a child's birth, what right do we have to do it?
Learn to rely on God at each moment, and so be faithful till the end.
There's only one person who can conquer death: Jesus Christ.
God has promised to guide us in the way we should follow.
The greatest desire of God is to have a deep relationship with us, His children.
No matter what sort of bad habit we're fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
God expects us to be faithful to him.
God established one way to him in Jesus. There is no other mediator, no other system by which to reach God except through Jesus.
We're the ones who miss the opportunities to do good, help others, speak of God's love, or defeat the enemy.
It's often essential in life to fight on without wasting a second, especially in the spiritual realm.
Rumours don't help anything or anybody, nor do they serve to strengthen friendships or affections, they only cause frustration and anguish.
The best way of resting is to have a personal and private conversation with God.
Don't stay in the "almost". Commit yourself to God today , right now Hell is full of "almost safe" people.
Get rid of evil from inside you, or it will finish by conquering you.
We want to do good to others, because God does good to all. It is the natural fruit of our life with God.
Young volunteers organise basketball games in a prison of Barcelona, sharing time and Christian values with the inmates.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments. Never despise his advice, given through these people.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Do you still think you are self-sufficient?
Jesus overcame death, when, after suffering on the cross, he came back to life, proving himself the victor when he appeared to more than five hundred people in different situations.
A winner lives by his character, but that is not enough: he has to add training, concentration and physical condition to play in a team.
It is not a matter of being better, nor being more prepared. It is a matter of ANSWERING. God continues to call in the same way each day: "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"
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