Martin Luther encouraged believers to obey quarantine orders, fumigate their houses, and take precautions to avoid spreading the sickness. Anything less was ‘tempting God’.
Psalm 91 has breathed encouragement and peace into millions of believers in the midst of trial. Its message is very relevant to our current epidemic situation.
As technologically simulated relationships become ever more realistic and superficially convincing, we must be aware of the risk that the simulacrum will exert a seductive appeal to our hearts.
Should we teach our children to be polite to Alexa, to say please and thank you, to respect its ‘virtual’ feelings? Or is it of no significance if children abuse, tease and bully a simulated slave-person?
Prevention is key but panic and fear are irrational feelings that only lead to impulse-driven decisions.
Will the promotion of ‘relationships’ with machines contribute to societal wellbeing and human flourishing, or provide new opportunities for manipulation and deception of the vulnerable?
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
The technology is able to analyse and report about the frequency of attendance, the mood, gender and average age of the people who attend a service.
“I can understand why people are cautious about higher education, but we need to understand that education in itself is not the danger”, says Daryl McCarthy.
The Unamuno Prize was given to philosopher and university professor José Luis Villacañas, for “his brave defense of the memory of Protestantism as an integral part of the history of Spain”.
300 homes destroyed after worst earthquakes in a century. Churches organised prayers on the streets and offer collaboration to the authorities.
Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Werner Kogler (Greens) reached an agreement, which aims to become climate-neutral by 2040 and includes and stricter controls on migration.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
“Evangelicals for Trump” will be presented in a Miami megachurch. A growing number of Christian voices warn that an uncritical attachment to the President could damage the gospel witness.
A local Christian businessman offered his fleet of large vehicles to distribute aid and transport people around the clock truly becoming the feet of our undertaking to be God’s caring hands to hurting people.
The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
“Our culture is looking for solutions that are not coming, because we are dealing with things of the heart. We need to reflect the hope that comes form God”, Peter Roskam says.
The World Evangelical Alliance's General Assembly 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia, brought together 800 evangelicals from 92 countries to pray, worship and cast vision for the new decade of holistic discipleship.
Jews say “a new poison has taken root in the Labour Party” while Muslims argue that “Islamophobia is endemic in the Conservative Party”. “May we be recognised as Jesus’ disciples”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says.
Art forms are a powerful vehicle for spreading the knowledge of Christ.
Open Doors UK displayed 16,000 squares of fabric at Westminster Abbey, “to amplify the voices of persecuted Christian women and to have a lasting impact on UK government policy”.
The conservative candidate got 48.7% of the votes, but the difference between the two parties is less that 30,000 votes. Final results will be announced at the end of the week.
Christians need to be more aware of the use of data concerning them, and of both the opportunities and risks associated with AI.
A line borrowed from the Lord’s Prayer, “Your Kingdom Come”, served as main theme of the summit, uniting 92 national alliances. The General Assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance closed on 13 November with a final pledge.
The ending of Asterix books reminds us the Story par excellence, the Bible - banquets point to our yearning for a happy ending.
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