A pastor of the Turkish Protestant Church Foundation reports from the ground in Antakya (Antioch). “80% of buildings either collapsed or will have to be torn down”.
Evangelical organisation Samaritan's Purse opens a 52-bed field hospital in Antakya amid a death toll of over 31,600.
Turkish Protestant churches are mobilising to help in the most affected areas by the earthquake. Food, clothing and hygiene supplies are the first needs they are covering.
Experts warn that there is “a real danger of a secondary disaster”. The EU leaders officially offer more help and the first UN aid convoy reached northern Syria.
Evangelical churches in the already war-torn country are organising themselves for aid in Aleppo and elsewhere. The priority is to open churches and provide food and clothes.
Antioch was the origin of the first offering of humanitarian aid from a Christian community.
Despite difficult weather conditions, Christian ministries and individuals have traveled to the earthquake area. The Turkish Evangelical Alliance and other groups are channeling donations.
More than 5,000 buildings collapse after two huge tremors (7.8 and 7.5) in the south-east of Turkey. At least 4,800 people in both countries. In Iskenderun, a pastor, his wife, and a young girl, are among the victims of the evangelical church.
I propose that to better protect the calling of the church and her central doctrine of justification by faith alone, there should be separation of church and state. By Simon Jooste from Cape Town.
Let’s take stock of how God would want us to use our eyes this year. After all, they are an essential gateway by which we can guard our hearts.
Around 280 professionals, students, and church leaders attended the once-in-a-decade conference. Dr John Wyatt was the main speaker of a programme that included 15 other thematic seminaries.
Science is beginning to understand the quantum mechanisms of magnetic orientation, but the question of how the young birds know exactly in which direction to orient themselves, remains a mystery.
John Wyatt in an in-depth interview about Artificial Intelligence, abortion, euthanasia, and creation care: “There is an urgent need for us Christians to build a bridge between the world of the historic biblical faith and these very new and challenging issues”.
The shared view of Russia as a lasting potential threat made CEE countries sympathise with Ukraine, especially since 2014. An article by Rafał Piekarski and Barbora Filipová.
“We do not see it as an attack on religious freedom”, said the German Evangelical Alliance. Minister of State for Culture propose to cover the Bible verse with “reflecting texts”.
Professor John Wyatt gives a perspective on key bioethical issues of our time.
Professor John Wyatt gives a perspective as a Christian bioethics experts on issues that are provoking a huge socio-political debate in Europe. An interview ahead of his participation in the "Jornadas de Bioética" conference in Spain, December 2022.
Every 31 October, the beginning of the Protestant Reformation is commemorated around the world. Wittenberg in Germany was the place were Martin Luther's 95 theses were first read.
Even the very best things can become like a nightmare when they completely govern our hearts.
Carlos Martínez celebrates 40 years on stage and analyses his career. ‘Silence must be part of our communication inside and outside the church’.
The problem of modern slavery was made visible in Bournemouth, Stuttgart, Valencia, Bern, Innsbruck, Sofia, Copenhagen, and dozens of other cities.
Evangelism is a process of building plausible structures to help people take steps of faith towards Jesus. An article by Michael Hart.
Art can help us unwrap the riches of Scripture. Our world was created by the greatest of Artists, after all.
The Spanish band Papel Maché releases a new album. “Through creation we can be amazed and get to know God more”, says Keila Elm.
At the triennial conference held in Sarajevo, the annual Hope Award was presented to Jeff Fountain.
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