British video platform GoChatter uses 4,000 individual photos to create stop motion video on Martin Luther's life.
A closer look at the eight key arguments of Luther's 1525 masterpiece.
A Christian in Spain built a diorama to tell both children and adults about Hus, Luther, Calvin and the impact of the first Bible translations five centuries ago.
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
“It’s no more difficult to be a Christian singer than a Christian banker or anything else”, says artist Jonathan Veira in an interview about fame, art, work and the faith that inspires him.
Tim Farron had been constantly questioned for his Christian view of homosexuality. “A wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.”
“Nursing Theses: 500 years after Luther’s 95 theses” was the paper presented by evangelical professionals at a congress with 8,200 nurses from 135 countries.
Answers to 5 of the most common questions.
Indian author Vishal Mangalwadi on how the Protestant Reformation underlined individualism as a means to please God, and how secular Europe corrupted it.
The U2 singer talks about the Psalms in the Bible, music and life in a Fuller seminary video series. Artists “please God being brutally honest”, he says.
Robots are on the point of being used in areas as diverse as taxi driving, construction, manufacturing, journalism and medicine.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
Indonesian police have named the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front as a suspect. Rizieq Shihab mobilised thousands to put pressure on judges in a ‘blasphemy’ trial against Christian politician ‘Ahok’.
Will Eisner invented the comic for adults in 1978 with a story about the crisis of faith of a Jewish immigrant.
Exactly 1,517 meters long is the Bible that has been unfolded in the German city of Magdeburg to celebrate the Protestant Reformation.
Indian author Vishal Mangalwadi talks about how a renwed view of the Bible changed education systems in Europe.
The Refugee Campaign offers prayer materials, advocacy resources and a Sunday service order to pray and engage with refugees on 18 and 25 June.
A closer look at what the German Reformer thought about the Word.
Freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and religious freedom are battles that are worth fighting.
‘Ahok’ is sentenced to two years of prison. The judges say the Christian politician “has caused anxiety, hurt Islam and divided Muslims.” Islamic radicals increase pressure on Christians.
Biographers of Marc Chagall mention the “gift for happiness,” the “sacred simplicity” which characterized his art, and which was articulated in large part by his ingenious, vibrant use of color.
“We’re going to make it simpler to report problems”, Mark Zuckerberg says. Since 2016, at least 50 criminal or violent incidents have been broadcast over Facebook Live.
The President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Angus Menuge, explains what AI is, its limits and the enduring differences between artificial and human intelligence.
Poland, Lithuania, Namibia and Brazil are some of the countries that have issued special stamps on the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 theses.
Pastor Gary Wilkerson talks about his father, the meaning and impact of the Protestant Reformation, and the key role that sound doctrine and the Holy Spirit should play in the church.
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