Two eangelical leaders spoke about the meaning of Grace and the centrality of the Bible on the TVE news channel.
How Lloyd-Jones can help the evangelical church today.
At leas 14 people have died and many areas are left "barely habitable." Irma has been downgraded to a category four, but officials warn that it remains "extremely dangerous".
His work is a model of Biblical balance, in the best meaning of the word.
About 90 people will attend the European creation care conference near Nice (France). “Churches have been lacking a vision that puts creation care at the heart of daily discipleship, worship and mission”, says Dave Bookless.
The leading Welsh preacher shares thirteen characteristics regarding true evangelicals.
The Nashville Statement says the approval of homosexual practice and transgenderism is “an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness”.
As Christians keep visiting the people affected by the disaster, they have come to be called Kirisuto-san or ‘Mr./Ms. Christ’, with respect and appreciation.
“The Forum is the best training event I've seen in Europe in the last 20-25 years”, says Prof. John Lennox. The morning Bible teacher will be Peter J. Williams, Principal and CEO of Tyndale House.
20-25% of undocumented immigrants in the US are evangelicals and many of them are pillars in their churches and communities.
Art can help us unwrap the riches of Scripture. Our world was created by the greatest of Artists, after all.
The only way the Reformation could possibly not still matter would be if beauty, goodness, truth, joy and human flourishing no longer mattered.
The first of a series of articles on Schaeffer’s legacy and on the challenge he still poses to the world today.
Pastor Pietro Evangelista runs an association to help those affected by the earthquakes in Italy. "We want them to know that the evangelical church is present", he says.
There needs to be a radical and broad new level of commitment to common working.
A week of lectures, seminars, and discussions to study and evaluate Roman Catholic theology and practice.
Christian MP Stephen Timms: “Carrying acid should be an offence like carrying a knife”. In 2017, more than 450 attacks were reported in London alone.
The concern of the artist is to penetrate psychologically in the scenes of Old and New Testament.
Hundreds of young participants meet in Le Havre to receive training, enjoy fellowship, take part in social projects and share the gospel. A big celebration on France’s national day will close the week.
Around 1,000 young people receive training and share Jesus’ message in a week-long urban camp. The 500th anniversary celebrations will close with a big festive event in the centre of Madrid.
There are three great benefits of art, which every Christian should embrace: beauty, truth and imagination.
In Wittenberg, the WCRC signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999).
The danger of deception lies not only in the fact that we are not what we appear to be, but also in ending up believing that we are something other than our true selves. A review of “Smoke and Mirrors” (2016).
“We wanted to create something that not only told the story of Luther and the Reformation but also the good news of Jesus”, says Jonathan Carswell.
A mystery play narrates the Swiss Reformer’s life from the point of view of Anna Reinhart, his wife.
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