When we do a Lego activity where 3 people have to work together to make something, by each fulfilling their allotted role, we can discuss how the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a relationship.
A child with SPD may have reactions which can be difficult to understand. Their body is automatically reacting to what is around them by being in a ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ mode, and this can be wrongly interpreted as bad behaviour.
More than 40 million people used Bible reading apps and websites, sharing around 15 million verses on Easter Sunday.
“Faith shows that there is more than the current situation”, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder, said during the “Germany prays together” online event.
Telling the story in different sensory ways will help the story to become more accessible to children and young people.
A University of Copenhagen shows that “in March, internet searches for the topic prayer surged to the highest level during the past 5 years [...] It occurs on all continents and for Christians and Muslims”.
Much of the information circulating at the moment can really upset children with additional needs who may struggle to comprehend what they are seeing and hearing.
Jesus demonstrates that doing good isn’t a six-day-a-week activity, it is something we should do whatever day it is.
A strong theme through the film is Auggie coming to terms with the reactions of others to his disability, but at the beginning really struggling to do so.
He often used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
Jesus used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
Ava realises that the best way to support her friend Edgar the dragon is not to try and change him, but to help him find a way to be involved and included.
Jesus didn’t establish his church to be a place where only people that fitted in were welcome; he railed and raged against that very thinking 2,000 years ago.
We have reduced our central heating thermostat by 1 degree and will look to reduce it further in stages. Jumpers are lovely, we should wear them more when it’s colder.
Animator Bobby Rubio is father to Alex, a young Autistic boy, and ‘Float’ is his way of sharing their story.
Perhaps looking at it in this way helps us to understand both stories better, and to appreciate more fully the experiences, challenges and struggles of families that we know today.
There are 13 million disabled people in the UK, including children and adults, plus all of their friends and family. By voting for the party that seems nearest to how you think, you can be a part of influencing change rather than being on the sidelines.
All we could do was to give thanks to God and praise him for what he had done.
Police detained students and church leaders during a meeting of the Ethiopian Fellowship of Evangelical students in Debark and pressured them to sign an agreement to never meet again in the city.
We all long to be liked, to have friends, to be included and to belong.
Leaving behind individualistic materialism for integral mission.
The disciples had proved powerless and the father’s faith was limited. It is God alone who decides who will be healed or not, rather than the level of faith or lack of faith of the parents.
Understand me: “If you tell me to sit up straight, now I have to use all of my brain to do just that.”
These words count for everyone.
You are so much more than you seem, you are so much more than what people see.
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