According to a Pew Research survey, young people tend to trust in others less. Italy has the highest rate of mistrust and Denmark the lowest.
All of the different things that Christmas brings can be really hard for children with special needs to cope with.
Curfews, limited capacity for Christmas meetings or travel restrictions, are some of the measures adopted by the European governments for Christmas.
Children mattered to Jesus, and He taught us a lot through the things He did with them.
Something unusual happened. I remember the phone call clearly, the name of James’ school showing as the caller. I apologised to my colleagues and rushed out of the room.
Leave the youth group on a Sunday and start going to ‘adult’ church services can be hard for any child, but having additional needs can often make it more difficult.
European leaders meet to set up “rigorous measures for a rapid and coordinated response to terrorism”. Austria targets the Muslim Brotherhood while Spain starts the trial against the Barcelona attackers.
The battle between good and evil’ flows through the film. This study plan is primarily created to be used with children and young people.
Pullman is cross-pressured: even as he dismisses God and attacks religion, he feels the echo of transcendence.
The focus of this paper is a brief Christian critique of Pullman’s views on religion, especially as he expresses them in his book His Dark Materials.
We live in an area that loves Halloween. Each year hundreds of kids get dressed up and walk around the street trick or treating. I’m running a Halloween trail this year.
Adults pose naked in front of minors for a popular TV programme in Denmark. Mikael Arendt Laursen of the organisation “Church and Media” shares his impressions from a Christian perspective.
A bit of ‘hygge’ might come in handy for us all… especially for parents of children with special or additional needs.
The effects of lockdown continue to cause all sorts of difficulties for families of children with additional needs and disabilities.
It was time to go back. Nervous days led up to the big day, a sleepless night the night before, and that was just me!
Whether it’s coming to somewhere like the beach, or even if it’s just spending some quality time on the sofa watching a film and eating some popcorn together, these times matter.
It’s not weak to reach out for help, this really is “being the strong one”.
We are just like candles, shining a light on a part of the world that the world often chooses to ignore.
Parenting a child or young person with additional needs or disability can be isolating sometimes, and not everyone understands what it can be like.
Around 100 cars participate, with an estimated total of 300 people, who “got together safely, sang some songs and heard about the good news of Jesus”.
Italy and Spain will be the main recipients of the grants. The biggest joint borrowing ever agreed by the EU came after almost five days of tense talks.
Whatever the challenge for your child, no matter how hard it is, how long it has taken to see any breakthrough, never give in.
In Nigeria, CBM members are working with disabled people’s organisations and media organisations to provide sign-language interpretation for vital health messages and updates.
“Unemployment remains a reality in several EU nations”, a study of Pew Research says, which relates it to pessimism in future expectations.
Some of these characters, and their stories, can be helpful in raising awareness and in some cases acceptance of additional needs and disability.
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