Loud or echoey noise, bright or flickering lights, strong smells, too much clutter, all of these and more can affect children and young people with a hyper-sensitivity
God promises us abundant life. Nothing in our world can teach us the secret of happiness.
Malchus’ story is a small footnote in the Gospels, but it is rich with impact as it contains so much that is easily overlooked in the history changing narrative.
In the United Kingdom, carol services organised by churches are a massive outreach opportunity.
The government hopes to see less terrorist threats, but critics say it shows fear and a lack of trust in freedom of speech.
Evangelical experts in the labour world look at the proposal to reduce the working hours to 37.5 per week.
I feel ashamed that immigrants to our beautiful country would be bullied into not even being able to attend church, writes the leader of the Evangelical Alliance Ireland.
Let’s work together to ensure that every child and young person is able to learn and develop in the way that works best for them.
Creating a place of true belonging for every child and young person with additional needs, church become better for us all.
In the story of redemption, God enters into our vulnerability. He does not keep bad things from happening even to himself – as the God-man.
Inclusion is about the church taking positive action, not expecting a child, young person, or adult, to ‘fit in’.
We must be careful not to offer guarantees that the text does not yield.
“I’ll only be five minutes…” or “I’m in a hurry…” are some of the justifications given.
Take anxiety and worries seriously. It’s easy to put their concerns off, or to convince ourselves that ‘they will be fine’.
Perhaps if we dig a little deeper, we might realise that we are only acting on a part of the story; we’ve missed some vital information, and our response needs to be very different.
Let’s do all we can to be the difference for every child and young person who chooses to journey with us.
Pray that God will give you the faith, persistence and determination to keep on praying, even when we seem to be getting no response.
Only two weeks before the general elections, the Spanish government uses the European Union Presidency to promote gender self-identification across the continent.
“We contributed to the perpetuation of slavery, through our theology we justified the abuse”, said a Protestant leader. The Dutch king also apologised.
The shark has built-in software to know when to change direction, how to hunt a particular prey, escape a predator, among many other actions.
Due to his various additional needs, James doesn’t really ‘get’ birthdays, but that didn’t mean that we would let the day slip by unnoticed…
While many of us love these films, we need to acknowledge the messages they can give to our children and how these messages can strongly influence them.
Items that can be helpful in supporting children and young people with a range of additional needs.
An exhibition of the well-known artist Markus Lüpertz depicts the freely interpreted biblical story of creation.
If we want a cinema of values, that teaches the world what we believe and how we can respond to the situations we face, we need to support what is out there.
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