“Every individual has the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion”, the Reproductive Health Act says. Pro-life groups denounce it is “an extreme Bill”.
Nearly one in every five of all pregnancies in the UK ends with a termination. In Spain, 10% of all women between 15 and 44 have aborted.
Educator and lawyer Damares Alves: “We want a Brazil without abortion. How? A Brazil that prioritizes public policies of family planning, where abortion is never seen as a contraceptive method”.
Damares Alves, evangelical pastor and new minister of Women, Family and Human Rights of Brazil: “We will always fight to save the two lives: the woman and the child”.
The ‘Sky-blue wave’ gathered hundreds of thousands in more than 100 cities to defend family, “the two lives” and the fundamental freedoms.
“Welcoming every child, supporting every woman” was one of the messages.
“The pain after abortion” was this year’s theme. Police officers protected the celebration from radical counterprotesters.
Abortion rates for prenatal diagnoses of Down syndrome, the most common chromosomal abnormality, are high: nearly 100 per cent in Iceland, 98 per cent in Denmark, and 90 per cent in the United Kingdom.
“The harassment of gender ideology will not stop us”, says the director of the AMEN Baptist school in the city of Neuquén. The Spanish Evangelical Alliance writes a letter to the Argentinian ambassador.
Thousands of Guatemalan and Ecuadorian Christians marched to highlight faith in God as the solution to difficult situations of their countries.
“The psychological fallout from medical abortions completed at home can be severe”, Philippa Taylor of the Christian Medical Fellowship says.
“The Catholic Church made the huge mistake of becoming so identified with Irish culture that it was left behind when culture changed”, says Ireland Evangelical Alliance Director Nick Park.
A pastor in Neuquén had to be protected by the police after a conference. An NGO denounces the “slander and abuses” of the Green Kerchief activists.
There were 38 votes against the Bill, 31 in favor, and 2 abstentions. The Bill cannot be presented again this year, but it will be a key issue in the 2019 presidential election campaign.
On August 8, the Argentinian Senate will decide about the abortion Bill. “We need to make that voice of the unborn heard”, one of the pastors who organised the march said.
“Human life begins at conception and to destroy a human embryo means impeding the birth of a human being”, Argentinian Academy of Medicine says in a statement.
Škripek is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a convinced Christian. To him, praying for a seemingly hopeless situation as there is in Syria is a logical thing to do.
With 129 votes in favour, 125 against and only one abstention. The Bill will now have to go to the Senate to be fully approved.
There is something deeply wrong with a society that rejoices so glibly over the killing of the unborn.
In the referendum, 66% voted in favor of repealing the Eighth Amendment. Evangelicals and other groups of society will continue to defend the protection of unborn children as a Human Rights issue.
“Choice is important and to be cherished, but we also have an obligation to protect those who are powerless and unable to make choices that directly affect their futures”, the Evangelical Alliance Ireland says.
It would be naive in the extreme to remove the most important human right of all – the right to life – from the Constitution and to put it in the hands of career politicians.
Google announced on May 9th that it would ban all advertising related to the Irish abortion referendum from its platforms.
Pro-choice group Abortion Rights had organised a counter demonstration. One week before the march, a law which bans prayer or the offer of help outside a London abortion centre came into effect.
‘40 Days for Life’ is a campaign that “takes a determined, peaceful approach to showing local communities the consequences of abortion in their own neighborhoods, for their own friends and families”.
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