Among the changes, which will cost the state 104 million euros, it will allow minors aged 16 and 17 to carry out abortions without authorisation.
It is the lowest figure since official statistics were first collected in 1996. Unlike other countries, the pandemic has not increased the number of terminations.
The amendment that allows to take all abortion pills at home within the first 10 weeks passed by 215 votes to 188. “It will have dire consequences for women”, evangelicals say.
Alejandro Giammattei, President of Guatemala: “This is a day to celebrate that we have a country that learns, teaches and does everything possible to respect life from conception to natural death".
The Guatemalan government celebrates a solemn act in the National Palace for the declaration of the country as Pro-Life Capital, with national and Latin American leaders.
The Law for the Protection of Life and the Family passed with 101 votes in favour, 51 abstentions and 8 against. Evangelicals presented 100,000 signatures requesting the approval.
Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Mario Adolfo Búcaro talks about the country's declaration as the Latin American pro-life capital, and its policies in defence of the unborn.
The new law also allows midwives to perform instrumental abortions. “It is a sad decision, adopted despite the warnings of doctors and gynaecologists”, say evangelicals.
The ruling of the Constitutional Court came during an extraordinary session marked by a pro-life rally under the motto “the silence of the innocents”.
On 9 March, the Guatemalan government will celebrate the first National Day of Life. The inauguration of the monument will be attended by the country’s President and other Latin American officials.
Despite her past stand against abortion, Roberta Metsola told reporters after being elected that her position on abortion will be “that of the European Parliament”.
A survey concludes that 9 in 10 attend their church’s worship service every week. 63% of respondents do volunteer work and 40% identify with right-wing parties.
The Guatemalan President announced that the declaration will take place on 9 March 2022, with a message of respect for life from conception.
The event, organised by an evangelical association, offered training on pro-life issues and finished with a flashmob in the center of Madrid.
The proposal did not pass with 65 votes against, 62 in favour and one abstention. Since 2017, abortion is legal in Chile in cases of rape or danger for the life of the mother and the child.
The peaceful demonstration was often disrupted by aggressive counter-protests. Christians also denounced that “the distorted portrayal of the event by some media was sobering”.
A large majority in the small traditionally Catholic country decided in a referendum to allow abortion up to the 12th week.
“Abortion should never be a human right”, one speaker said. Counter-protests organised by far-left groups tried to disrupt the march in both countries.
The “Heartbeat" Act protects the unborn from the sixth week of pregnancy. Pro-life groups believe the country is on the verge of a paradigm shift.
The upcoming election might confirm a move towards progressive policies in areas such as education and abortion. The country’s Christian Democratic Party fights for its survival.
Prior to the march itself, a ‘LifeFest 21’ event took place, with testimonies, children activities and workshops.
A research states that shortfall in the number of girls being born will lead to a surplus of young men in around a third of the global population, “with the full social and economic impacts”.
There were over 210,800 abortions. The abortion rate for women aged under 18 decreased but has increased for those over 35.
There were over 10,900 abortions in 2020. Most of them took place in the first eight weeks of pregnancy and among women aged between 30 and 34.
The European Parliament discussed sexual and reproductive health and rights. An analysis by the European Evangelical Alliance representative in Brussels.
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