Violence has so far claimed 1,116 lives between October 2014 and May 2016. Local NGOs wrote a letter to the President, denouncing their situation and demanding a solution.
Kajsa Wahlberg: ‘Criminals are businessmen; they calculate profits, marketing factors and risks of getting caught before investing time and money into selling women in a particular place.’
Scorsese and Schrader’s film revolves around the search for redemption in figures such as Travis, who are buried in an urban inferno, constantly fighting to free themselves of their sins.
A 21-minute short film features U2 frontman Bono and theologian Eugene Peterson talking about how the Psalms have impacted their lives.
Five evangelical families declined to pay the quota for the Roman Catholic patron saint celebration, and the local authorities cut off their water supply. Several organisations confirm rising trend of persecution in rural Mexico.
John Stevens, National Director of FIEC, explained in a FOCL webinar how to deal with Old Testament texts related to violence, in order to answer the apologetic questions that they raise.
Several Leyva Velazquez community leaders asked evangelical Christians to renounce their faith.
The Christian apologist mentions his empathy toward Muslims in Paris, remembering how deeply he was shaken in his identity as an American Muslim.
The war-torn country is ruled by Sharia law, and 99% of the population is Muslim. One of the victims “had been receiving direct threats from Al Qaeda members that he knew personally.”
Jesus left an established model only for those who are brave, be it men or women. A model for people who are not ready to fall into social trends propelled by discrimination or frustration.
A video, circulated online by anti-ISIS activists, shows 200 Syrian children being lined up and gunned by Daesh militants.
The explosions occurred at two sides of the exit of Ankara’s main train station, in the city centre. More than 180 people were wounded.
Second day of air strikes. Fears that bombings may not be targeting Daesh (IS), but opositors of Assad's regime.
The country chairs a consultative panel in the UN Council on Human Rights. Today, Ali Mohammed Al-Nimhr, 21 years old, was to be beheaded and crucified.
Members of one of the burnt churches have been meeting under a temporary roof. “We hope to rebuild so that we can continue to show the love of Christ”, the pastor says.
The Rada parliament voted by a sound majority to give more autonomy to the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, currently under control of pro-Russian groups.
Although terrorism has increased worldwide, this is the safest time in history.
The boys, believed to be under the age of 18, were killed in Syria and their bodies displayed with placards hung around their necks announcing their “crime".
What do Christians think? Is there a biblical position to be defended?
“The suspect has been identified and arrested”, Charleston police chief Greg Mullen confirmed. Church is one of the historic black Christian communities in the South East.
Daesh has repeatedly threatened to launch attacks within the USA but this is the first time it has actually claimed responsibility for any kind of attempted strike.
Police arrest officials after a criminal camp with 28 bodies was found in deep jungle on Friday. “There are other camps with graves like this one,” the only survivor said.
A 13-year-old boy armed with a crossbow and a machete killed a teacher in Barcelona. Christian educators and psychologists: it is a mistake to look for quick answers.
In 2014, the world asked #SaveOurGirls after waking up to the brutality of Boko Haram. Amnesty International now shares the stories of hundreds of other victims in the last 12 months.
The Salvation Army is gaining worldwide attention for sending up a viral meme about a black and blue (or gold and white!) dress in its new public awareness campaign about violence against women.
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