Days before, Islamic extremist militants had executed five men “as warning to Christians”. Over 50 Christians have been slained since June 12.
Why Christians should speak up on behalf of Jews.
Agents of the Revolutionary Guard raid homes looking for Christian literature. Seven Christians were falsely sentenced last month for “spreading propaganda against the state”.
“When we entered the police station for the identification process, the attacker was treated like a VIP, not as a criminal,” says the brother-in-law of the pastor.
A tribal mob, incited by Hindu extremists, killed the 16-year-old, falsely accusing him and other targeted Christians of practicing black magic.
A 2019 report of the Observatory for Religious and Conscience Freedom warns that the violent attacks against places of worship have increased.
The World Evangelical Alliance laments “the recent killing of a black unarmed man, a symptom of the racial injustice that continues to exist”. Furthermore, the body representing 42,000 US churches also calls “for justice for victims and their families”.
“Floyd was a person of peace, that helped the gospel go forward”, said pastor Patrick Ngwolo, who had worked with Floyd.
Animists in various villages harass Christians who refuse to renounce their faith.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa releases a statement after a well-known Nigerian Christian leader and his family were brutally attacked.
The High Court of Koblenz tries two former officials of the Syrian government, accused of crimes against humanity. “The torture system has been used to crush civil society”.
Officers were planning to frame him on trumped-up charges of making and selling liquor, because he upset them by complaining of police wrong-doing.
The 2020 World Press Freedom Index shows that “China censored their major coronavirus outbreaks extensively”. Norway is at the top and North Korea becomes the most dangerous country for journalists.
“That pastor was killed, but you did not learn a lesson”, the gunmen said before shooting the daughter of a pastor who was killed in the same house.
The family has also been socially banished from this village and treated as untouchables.
In recent riots at the Coronda and Las Flores prisons, five inmates died, pavilions were taken, and the pharmacies looted. Christian inmates worked to be peacemakers.
The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) publishes its annual report of violence against Christians. “Most of the incidents are related to physical violence, threats, harassment and the disruption of church services”.
“The sun would not go down without recording at least one case of attack on Christians from Uttar Pradesh on a typical Sunday”, a Christian rights activist says.
Hindu villagers have also stopped worshippers from coming to services, with threats that they would be brutally attacked if they continued gathering.
Authorities confirmed that the suspect was found dead at his house. German counter-terrorism prosecutors have taken over the investigation because “there are indications of a far-right motive”.
Läderach had suffered attacks against its shops and boycott calls by political parties. The reason is the founding family’s support for the March for Life and their Christian views on marriage and family.
The Christian Association of Nigeria organised a march to end a three-day fast. In January alone, 100 people died due to terrorism and clashes between Muslims and Christians.
We are called to bear witness to God’s kingdom on earth to transform people’s lives holistically, rather than simply bringing about political solutions.
The UN International Court of Justice has issued precautionary measures to protect the Rohingya minority.
Hindu extremists attacked pastor, accusing him of being responsible for the growing number of people converting to Christianity.
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