“Be more intentional with your shopping choices, slow down your consumption, choose contentment, practise gratitude and be generous”, are some of the advices of Baptist World Aid Australia.
“The Catholic Church made the huge mistake of becoming so identified with Irish culture that it was left behind when culture changed”, says Ireland Evangelical Alliance Director Nick Park.
Author Bruce Little: “We have moved from a sense of responsibility to ‘my personal rights’”.
Europe needs to ensure a true diversity of opinions within the European Parliament.
The U-20 teams of Tuzos of Pachuca (Mexico) and Ansan Hallelujah FC (South Korea) played a match organised by a mission movement focused on evangelizing children between 4 and 14 years old.
Škripek is a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and a convinced Christian. To him, praying for a seemingly hopeless situation as there is in Syria is a logical thing to do.
It would be good to penalize the blatant human rights abuses in Qatar rather than applauding them by letting bonded labourers build the new stadiums for World Cup 2022.
“The country needs an independent justice, care for natural resources and a better social security system”, Pastor Flavio Rosario said.
Arie de Pater, Brussels representative of the European Evangelical Alliance: “There is a tendency to call the migrant the problem, feeding a rhetoric in which we, Europeans, are the victims. But that is not the case”.
López Obrador’s historic victory against the two traditional parties is seen as a call to end corruption. ES, a party lead by evangelical Christians, will use its influence as a partner of the new President to protect family values.
The Brussels representative of the European Evangelical Alliance offers a Christian perspective on the crisis: “We can’t reduce people to just a number that needs to be controlled”.
The ceremony was attended by local and regional authorities. The President of the Andalusian Parliament highlighted the advances that the Reformation brought to the society.
The Forum of Young Christian Entrepreneurs gathered 500 people in its second edition. Mgliwè Simdinatome leads a movement to equip young Christians as they start their first business projects.
The outcome of the October election is uncertain. While evangelical candidates concentrate on defending traditional values, some Christian supporters of Lula back his social policy.
Auke Minnema, General Director of the European Christian Political Movement, says young Christians should be encouraged to engage with society following the example of Jesus Christ and many others in the Bible. “We have a message, and we should be salt and light”.
“We need to teach our boys and girls that porn is wrong, unhealthy and dangerous”.
The national election is on September, 24. “Evangelicals have the chance to help re-formulate basic principles of how we can live together peacefully”, says journalist Nicolai Franz.
As theological debates on sexuality and marriage become more and more central, many Christian denominations are being asked to clarify their views.
The development of a healthy autonomy entails a process. As parents, we can be right or wrong when it comes to educating.
The far-right nationalism of Le Pen gets 34% of the vote. A legislative election in June will show if the inexpert President will have the support of the parliament.
Is the exit-strategy (like the one seen with Brexit) the only way forward amidst the widespread dissatisfaction towards the EU?
This “Holy Week” in Spain thousands of people who refuse to follow Jesus will be moved by religious images. They will sing and cry.
The EEA joins other 160 civil society organisations in demanding “statesmanship that stands up for humanity and dignity and that addresses people’s fears, instead of fuelling them.”
Spanish group Evangelicals in Economy and Business organises conference for business leaders. Meeting regularly with fellow believers is “vitally important”, says experienced businessman Peter Briscoe.
Beginning in the USA and expanding then to Europe, we witness the rise of a rampant individualism where “my rights” are the primary interest.
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