We absolutely should be loving our neighbour, but it is important to think through what that really means.
We talk to Salvador Martí, a Christian police officer and creator of a safeguardind workshop for children.
A survey by the Pew Research Center shows that 25% of US protestants are in favour of state-church integration.
The German Chancellor received the Carlos V Award. She appealed to defend the EU values and to strengthen cooperation and unity to face the future challenges.
Only 38% say they talk about their beliefs with others. 68% of French think religion can help to pass on positive values to young people.
Around 80 people attended the Prayer Day Encounter held in Bern’s Bundeshaus. The event included speeches and a joint lunch.
Diversity is something believers can affirm within the boundaries of God’s purposes.
“We should consider what is actually going on in our country, region or city, before jumping to conclusions”, says Jim Memory, who leads a summer course on mission in Europe.
The answer to the question ‘are you religious’ or ‘do you belong to a religion’ depends on what the respondents understand by being ‘religious.’
According to the European Values Survey, migrants are more likely to belong to either a Muslim community or to be evangelical / Pentecostal than are the non-migrants.
The pro-family and pro-life coalition formed by politicians from Latin America and Spain opens an office near the Capitol in Washington D.C. and aims to become a pro-life Core Group in the UN.
There is increasing cultural diversity that works against the traditional beliefs. The critical factor is the extent to which religious involvement is transmitted to the younger generation.
No matter how well you can communicate or how clever you are, you cannot make the Bible say something better than God made it say.
Some Christians are at the forefront of this tribalisation of politics, creating a polarisation of views and eroding the middle ground on which many believers used to stand.
Restoring public truth in a media-dominated world.
Evangelical politicians say changing the preamble of the Constitution would “signal that we want a society without God” that gets rid of the “values” that came with Christianity.
A ruling of the Constitutional Court says the 1993 law was unconstitutional. Protests show the social divide in the traditionally Catholic country.
“The way young people form bonds, make meaning, and live out their values is constantly changing. This is the most diverse generation that has ever existed”, concludes a survey conducted in the US.
LGBT groups speak of a “dark” moment for human rights, but evangelicals see it as a “protection” for families and children.
Anti-elite parties talking about defending traditional Christian values attract believers.
Pullman is cross-pressured: even as he dismisses God and attacks religion, he feels the echo of transcendence.
World Vision and the Barna Group released a study on the values of Millennials and Generation Z and their relationship with faith issues.
A group of experts on AI of the European Evangelical Alliance respond to the EU consultation on its White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.
The Brussels Representative of the European Evangelical Alliance, Arie de Pater, analyses the situation of the EU amid the coronavirus, and the role of Christians in this crisis.
The confinement in our homes is forcing millions to stop abruptly, cancel all our plans, and take time to look in the mirror.
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