The IFES European Student Evangelism Conference gathered 1,700 students from around 50 countries in Aschaffenburg (Germany). This year, the conference theme is Presence.
At least 5% of men between 18 and 24 years old have some form of gambling addiction. “Technology makes gambling easier”, Christian expert says.
Produce information about your events in accessible formats. Book a sign language interpreter for the meetings during your mission week.
Research shows that around 70% of US Evangelicals believe evolution is probably or definitely false, while 28% of them said that the climate is not changing.
Over the past year, there have been protests about university fees in South Africa. Christian students are serving as mediators, engaging with both students and university management.
According to a Rice University study, both religious and non-religious scientists criticize the way Dawkins deals with religion.
The Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom has launched the Speak Up campaign to provide a clearer picture of the legal basis to talk about Jesus. Jurist Nancy Lefèvre (France) helped to start the initiative.
I will present a conceptual model. It was life-changing for me to discover it, and I have found that it clearly matches the biblical directives, as well as the fuller biblical narrative.
More than 46,000 students attend Christian Union mission weeks in UK, and many become Christians. CU leaders are trained for it at the Forum, UCCF’s national training conference .
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
The survival of the Church today does not depend on Europe. But the survival of Europe as we know it certainly depends on the Church.
Researchers are able to show the “stunning explosion of zinc fireweorks” after a human egg is activated by a sperm enzyme.
Art For Change ten-day residency organised by UESI India (IFES). “A work of art is not Christian art because it carries with it any symbol of a cross or Jesus in it, but it should reveal the truth.”
A Christian Maths student is interviewed about her faith on the back cover of a secular Spanish national newspaper.
The media’s interpretation of the significance of the discovery a few months before it was made reflects the need most humans feel to find ultimate spiritual reality.
Sheffield University Social Work masters student Felix Ngole: “The way that I have been treated raises very serious issues about the way students in English universities are being censored in their views and beliefs.”
University campuses are the first place where Chinese students are exposed to different religious ideas, and invited to consider them freely.
Nearly three hours after the attack began, firing had stopped but troops were searching Bacha Khan University campus in Charsadda.
University Christian Unions organised carol services all around the UK to share the good news of the Incarnate Christ with thousands of students. Christmas dinners were organised in other European countries.
The cultural context of universities in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark is very different. But Christian student movements agree on one thing: non-believers discover the Christian faith through deep personal relationships with believers:
Michael Ots (author of What kind of Hope?): “In Western Europe we have moved from a culture that used to be ambivalent and apathetic towards the gospel to a situation now where people are openly hostile to it.”
More than 1,000 representatives of Christian student movements met in Mexico to share experiences, receive training and take decisions in the IFES World Assembly 2015.
More than 1,000 representatives of national IFES student movements from all over the world meet in the Mexico World Assembly. Samuel Escobar says students have “vocation of service and a lifestyle shaped by following Jesus”.
InterVarsity student groups had been ejected from all 19 California State campuses after a controversial new policy which forced them to accept non-Christians in leadership.
Students at Aberystwyth University have voted to remove thousands of Bibles from its residence because they considered it “uncomfortable” or “unacceptable.”
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