Marc Jost (SEA), Thomas Bucher (EEA) and Clément Diedrichs (CNEF) share their opinions. Accepting democratic majorities does not mean to renounce to freedom of speech.
John Piper, Franklin Graham, Albert Mohler, George O. Wood, Russell Moore and many others show their deep sorrow, and ask Christians to “keep perspective.”
InterVarsity student groups had been ejected from all 19 California State campuses after a controversial new policy which forced them to accept non-Christians in leadership.
What do Christians think? Is there a biblical position to be defended?
Tearful relatives of Charleston victims confront killer in court with heart-wrenching speeches of Christian forgiveness.
“The suspect has been identified and arrested”, Charleston police chief Greg Mullen confirmed. Church is one of the historic black Christian communities in the South East.
USA plans to deploy battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons in ally countries bordering with Russia.
Child´s, 8-year-old, note to Jesus found in Bible leads to sex offender's conviction.
An Alabama boy spontaneously dished out a burger and a blessing to a man in need at a Waffle House in the Montgomery area.
The vast majority of Massachussets citizens oppose the death penalty. Appeals could last for more than a decade and finally end in a life sentence.
That was the message to the graduating class of New Orleans' Dillard University. “Everything I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It’s a gift”, he said.
Mrs Jeralean Talley was born in 1899 and she still attends her church on Sundays. “A long time ago, I asked the good Lord, when you get ready to take me home…I don't want to be sick (…) So far I don't suffer so much.”
Daesh has repeatedly threatened to launch attacks within the USA but this is the first time it has actually claimed responsibility for any kind of attempted strike.
The workplace may be the Holy Spirit’s greatest arena of evangelism and discipleship in the 21st century.
"NBCI and its membership base are simply standing on the Word of God. We urge our brother and sisters of the PCUSA to repent and be restored to fellowship."
Jordan had lots of time to think, to reflect, to pray, to hope, to struggle, to wonder whether his life was going to end.
The U.S. Supreme Court guaranteed equality for all citizens long ago, but secularists ask constitutions to be changed because atheists are portrayed as “second-class citizens”.
Generally speaking, togetherness is a highly valued condition. Biblically, however, it needs to be qualified in order not to become an intrusive idol.
Why do I think British Christians should be concerned about a referendum on the UK's relationship with the EU? Let me discuss with you for a while what I think the main issues are.
Survey shows how pastors relate to internet in the USA. 96% are frequent users and 87% are ready to provide spiritual counseling online.
Preacher said ISIS soldiers had merely been following the precepts of the Quran as they killed 21 Coptic Christians in Libya.
“There is a general sense of hopelessness because our processing system is slow and ineffective,” says Italian pastor Leonardo de Chirico.
Since the New Year, 118 civilians (7 of them children) have died in Ukraine. Pro-Russian rebels try to build an army of 100,000. Obama is considering sending defensive arms to help Ukrainian forces.
President Obama assured the Abedini family he would do everything in his power to secure Pastor Saeed’s release-
“If there were no ‘johns’, there would be no prostitutes”. Each year 100,000 American girls and women are coerced into prostitution.
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