Conversion from Islam is impossible in many places and in the few locations where it is possible legally, there are social and cultural impediments to change.
It is incumbent on Christian leaders, and people that sign manifestos, to dig deeper and understand the truth in all its dimensions.
Without careful and disciplined action, the church’s theology and practice of mission will be impoverished.
One of the most painful situations for those serving among people without legal papers in the United States is to help parents to make plans for the care of their children in case they are arrested and deported.
The cache of nine bronze coins may have been stashed fleeing Christians en route to Jerusalem as Persians invaded the land in 614 CE.
The ancient town is mentioned in the books of Joshua and 1 Samuel. Excavations start in August.
It is estimated that over 100 million people in the majority world base their livelihoods on locally mining gold, precious stones, and other high-value minerals with minimal equipment, capital, and training.
While horses were often used for war, donkeys were symbols of peace, which is why Christ chose to enter the capital of Israel as a gentle and humble king on the back of a donkey's colt.
In his first National Prayer Breakfast, the President of the USA says he will eliminate the Johnson Amendment to “let religious representatives speak freely without fear of retribution”.
The World Evangelical Alliance: “We wholeheartedly affirm the clear teaching of the Holy Bible that the people of God are called by God to ‘love’ and ‘welcome’ the foreigner and stranger”.
John Piper: “Donald Trump’s immoral behavior in the past, and his ongoing unwillingness to renounce it as evil, show that he is morally unfit to lead our nation.”
Dylann Roof has been sentenced for the racially motivated killings of nine black people at Emanuel AME Church, one of the oldest black churches in South Carolina (USA).
A fresh look at the infamous Down-Grade controversy.
A new generation of African younger leaders is rising to the challenge of missions.
About 70 people from diverse evangelical backgrounds met for the Spanish annual Lausanne Movement gathering. They discussed how the church can respond to 10 social challenges in the country.
This is God’s work, taking whispers from the margins and translating them for many to hear, speaking truth to power.
In New York, 3,500 people from over ninety countries were challenged to have an impact in urban areas in the spheres of action, social involvement and culture. Bill Hybels, Timothy Keller and Mac Pier among more than 50 speakers.
One of the last biographies published about the Nobel literature prize winner says that Dylan has never rejected his faith in Jesus. But the lyrics of some of his songs reveal a spiritual battle.
National greatness in God’s eyes is outward focused, and rather than being the object of God’s blessing, any material prosperity was to be seen as an outworking of their obedience to God’s ways.
It is the earliest extra-biblical source to mention Jerusalem in Hebrew writing. Radiocarbon dating has determined it is from the 7th century BCE.
Evangelical leaders from England, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic and the Netherlands analyse the situation from a biblical perspective.
Russell Moore: “We are not, first, Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or progressives. We are the church of the resurrected and triumphant Lord Jesus Christ.”
A man who thinks the whole world revolves around him has been helped into the White House by millions of evangelical Christians.
“We will deal fairly with everyone, we will seek partnership, not conflict”, he says in his first speech. Evangelicals have voted overwhelmingly for him, surveys say.
Movement Day Global Cities brought together 3,500 participants from 90 countries. About 50 speakers reflected in New York on the impact of the gospel in the big metropolis.
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