The result is a boost for the Labour party, after generally poor results in Scotland, England and Wales. Prior to the elections, the EAUK organised a debate with all the London mayor candidates.
There are Christians in both camps, and good reasons for both positions, but it is almost impossible to separate fact from propaganda. This article aims to articulate a biblical framework within which we might start to ask the right questions.
The new religious law worsens conditions for believers. Church members are questioned and fined for talking about their faith publicly.
Government says it continues with plans to welcome Syrian children “by 2020.” Christian voices had called to take action now.
“We support tackling extremism, but not in this sweeping, overly broad manner", EAUK, CARE, Christian Concern, Lawyer's Christian Fellowship and The Christian Institute say in a joint statement. Government's strategy against terrorism risks freedom of speech.
Whatever happens in June, Britain will still be part of Europe; we are not voting for the English Channel to become an ocean.
While European nations, like ourselves, have largely abandoned Christianity as a guiding force, nevertheless, we have a great deal in common in terms of values. An opinion article sent by one of our readers.
The archbishop of Canterbury confirms that his father is Churchill's last private secretary. “It was surprise, but in my life and in our marriage Caroline and I have had far worse”, he says.
The project aims to involve as many United Kingdom local churches as possible. The gift is a shoe box filled with toys and educational items for children, toiletries, confectionery, and information about the city.
Freedom needs spiritual values, internalised discipline and self-government. The truth will set us free, Jesus promised.
Around half of all teachers knew of children, including primary-school pupils as young as seven, using social media to send sexist and bullying messages.
Director of Jubilee Centre Jonathan Tame believes the main themes of the campaign should be analysed from a relational point of view.
Sunday trading hours will remain the same at present after MPs voted by 317 votes to 286, to dismiss the proposal. Religious leaders were against it too.
Sheffield University Social Work masters student Felix Ngole: “The way that I have been treated raises very serious issues about the way students in English universities are being censored in their views and beliefs.”
Joseph Fiennes is a Roman Centurion tasked with finding the corpse of Jesus Christ after his resurrection. The film will be released in European countries throughout March.
“Britain belongs in Europe and has a responsibility to share its immense Christian heritage”, says former European Comission worker Michael Gowen. Julia Doxat-Purser: “What relationship can God most use for His Kingdom purposes?”
The Servant Queen and the King She Serves will mark Queen Elizabeth’s forthcoming 90th birthday and offers “rare insights into her personal thoughts and Christian faith.”
Churches which support the criminalisation of homosexuality could face “consequences”, Justin Welby warned. Anglican leaders also emphasised the importance of evangelising children and youth.
Healthy debate about the future of the European project is stirring in Britain. And that really needs to happen in all member nations.
The British Office of National Statistics research shows that those with no faith report lower levels of happiness, life-satisfaction and self-worth than those who are “religious.”
UK scientists allowed to genetically modify embryos. Christian scientists Antonio Cruz and John Wyatt warn against this kind of research.
France, Ukraine and Russia are the top three countries of origin. Terrorist attacks and anti-semitism in Europe could be main reasons of increase, say experts.
In the UK, 46% of adults of all backgrounds say they have no religion, according to a poll made by the Lancaster University. 99% do not take part in any religious group or form of collective worship.
Over 1,000 religious communities which had legal status under Ukrainian law, are no longer recognised as legal entities under Russian law.
University Christian Unions organised carol services all around the UK to share the good news of the Incarnate Christ with thousands of students. Christmas dinners were organised in other European countries.
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