The purpose of this article is to show ten ways in which Greco-Roman philosophy, religion, and worldview influenced Christian theology.
Our strength to endure obviously comes not from within us, but from someone who is at work in and through us.
No matter what sort of bad habit we are fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
With no visitors allowed, we found ourselves ‘being church’, filling the gap where other clergy from the community were unable to visit their church members. By Katie McClure.
Lament, communities of care and the new normal. An article by Gladys K. Mwiti.
We can become paranoid and give Satan credit for every little difficulty, or we can easily become complacent and act as if the enemy is impotent.
“The way young people form bonds, make meaning, and live out their values is constantly changing. This is the most diverse generation that has ever existed”, concludes a survey conducted in the US.
Most of the victims are minors and the abuses happened mainly in schools of the Roman Catholic order. “We want to learn to apologise for the abuses, for the culture of silence, for not dealing with the facts cleanly”.
Let us not forget the future hope and comfort that enabling people to die well will bring.
The manual emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and encourages Christians to trust God and “be witnesses of Jesus in these times”.
You will never have a perfect message, but prayerfully do what you can.
Reflections on the problem of evil and the might of God.
The State of Theology survey released by LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries “reveals that many evangelicals express erroneous views that mirror the broader U.S. population”.
Would this already-ailing institution ever recover from lockdown?
World Vision and the Barna Group released a study on the values of Millennials and Generation Z and their relationship with faith issues.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments.
Homeless people “are much more deprived and vulnerable than before because of the epidemic”, a worker of Christian organisation Ágape +, says.
I would like to offer some thoughts on the issue with the hope of stimulating further reflection by the church.
The COVID-19 pandemic is spreading suffering around the world – but it can also teach precious lessons to individuals, churches, and nations.
The Bible shows us that one of the characteristics of God's nature is kindness.
Evangelical leaders in Colombia and Peru presented projects to their governments, to support coronavirus victims. Cuban evangelicals are actively working with those affected by the pandemia.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
Spirituality is not given its name because it is connected to the soul or the spiritual part of humanity, but because it comes from the Spirit of God.
The intersection between spiritual warfare and Christian mission, from an African perspective.
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